>>> TABLE OF CONTENTS <<< for The 7 Secrets to Quickly Overcoming Anxiety

The 7 Secrets to
Quickly Overcoming Anxiety
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All Right Reserved


We are so glad that you could join us today as we focus on some very powerful techniques for overcoming anxiety. These life-changing secrets are helping many people worldwide. 
So, let's get started! >>>

>>> TABLE OF CONTENTS <<< for The 7 Secrets to Quickly Overcoming Anxiety

>>> TABLE OF CONTENTS <<< for The 7 Secrets to Quickly Overcoming Anxiety

>>> TABLE OF CONTENTS <<< for The 7 Secrets to Quickly Overcoming Anxiety


If you have trouble controlling your anxiety, then you are aware of the instances in which it is difficult to steer clear of your unpleasant feelings. For instance, if you experience anxiety at the office or other social settings, you are aware of how embarrassing & draining it can be to experience a sudden surge of worry or, even worse,

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a full-blown anxiety attack.
There are, thankfully, some simple secrets you can use to overcome some typical anxiety problems. These strategies can be used in conjunction with a professional's treatment plan to help you overcome certain typical anxiety issues, but it's crucial to keep in mind that they are not a suitable replacement for the counsel of a mental health professional.

>>> TABLE OF CONTENTS <<< for The 7 Secrets to Quickly Overcoming Anxiety

Secret #1 - Overcome Anxiety by Using the 4x4x4 Breathing Technique to Regain Quick Control of Your Body

The "can't catch your breath" feeling that an anxiety attack causes is all too familiar to many people who struggle with anxiety.

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Your chest can feel constricted as though you are unable to take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath in through your nose and gently count to four if you feel this feeling. Hold the deep breath for a further count of four once it has reached your lungs.

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At the conclusion, exhale through your lips for an additional count of four.

To open up your chest and recover control of your breath-ing, repeat this technique as much as required. A fantastic

approach to get your mind off of your anxiousness and to regulate your breath is to force yourself to concentrate on your breathing pattern.

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“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”

—Deepak Chopra

Secret #2 - Use This Wonderful Five Senses Grounding Method to Let Go of Your Anxiety-Filled Past and Experience Calm in the Present Moment

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You might be pulled from the present moment and into a spiral of unfavorable, worrisome thoughts from your anxiety-filled past. 

Using your five senses to anchor yourself is another excellent approach to break out from this spiral and return to the present moment.

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Force yourself to pay attention to five things that your senses are picking up right now while you perform this method. For instance, you may say…

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You may repeat this simple activity many times, forcing yourself to come up with five fresh items that you can utilize to fill in these sensory gaps each time.

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By the time the practice is through, you'll have returned to the present moment and been diverted from the spiral of an anxiety-filled past.

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Secret #3 - Quickly Overcome Anxiety Attacks With the Power of the Sour

If you find yourself drifting into a spiral of negative thinking or you’re trying to avoid a full-blown panic attack, sour candy can assist you in stopping.

Nervous, anxious thoughts are no match for the power of the sour.

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For this practice, sour candies work best because the intense, quick blast of sour flavor causes your brain to focus on the unusual, foreign sensation in your mouth.

This easy technique to prevent a panic attack from exploding is supported by behavioral health professionals.

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The surprising, overwhelming taste rush is a great technique to divert your attention from your anxiousness.

If sour flavors aren't your thing, you can still get the same impact by using anything else with a strong taste, like wasabi or something spicy like hot sauce.

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Secret #4 - Amazing Sensory Shocker to Quick-Freeze and Stop Anxiety

The goal of this technique is to surprise your nervous system just enough to divert your attention from your fear to something new and unexpected.

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You'll need something cold to practice this technique, such as an ice cube, a cold cloth, or an ice pack.

Holding an ice cube firmly in your hand, while your anxiety levels rise, concentrate on the chilly feeling and how it feels on your palm.

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For a similar result, place the ice pack or cold cloth on your face or the back of your neck.

Consider how chilly you are feeling and where on your body that feeling is present.

Your anxiousness will start to lessen as you concentrate on the cool sensation.

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Secret #5 - Conquer Anxiety With This Incredible Coping Strategy Mantra Technique

Mantras based on coping statements are excellent.

When it's hard to concentrate on anything else, like when you're having an anxiety attack, these brief, short statements act as true reminders that can help get you back to feeling calm.

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Whatever helps you feel better and works best for you might be your coping statement. Think about using one of the following illustrations (or creating a couple of your own):

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Keep a copy of your coping statement somewhere you can refer to it often. When you feel your anxiety rising, say it aloud or to yourself in your brain.

Secret #6 - Learning the Recognition Technique Can Stop Anxiety Attacks Fast

The way anxiety affects you could be very different from the way it affects your friends,

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family, or workplace. Anxiety can be a little strange and perplexing.

Knowing how and what anxiety feels like for you is essential to recognizing when an anxiety attack is about to occur.

Learn to recognize your unique symptoms, and when you sense an impending anxiety attack, physically "call it out."

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You may even speak out to yourself, telling yourself things like, "This is simply my anxiety" or "I feel an anxiety attack coming on."

Before the worry has a chance to cause trouble, saying what it is, and that it isn't anything more severe like a heart attack, will help calm it down.

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Secret #7 - Discover the Life-Changing Power of These ‘Good Habits’ to Overcome Anxiety Daily

Over time, we sometimes find ourselves getting stuck in ‘bad habits’ that can eventually create negative neural pathways. These negative thought patterns in our brains can sometimes trigger anxiety.

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The good news is that we can disrupt those negative thought patterns by creating ‘good habits’, which can quickly create positive thought patterns (aka positive neural pathways) in our brains.

Here are some healthy ‘good habits’ that can help you overcome anxiety daily:

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Make Your Bed Every Day When You Wake Up

The ‘first’ task of the day will be completed if you make your bed every morning.

This first task is very powerful because it will give you a tiny sense of accomplishment and pride, as well as motivate you to do other tasks.

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By the end of the day, that single task of making your bed will have multiplied into several completed tasks that can increase your confidence and result in feelings of positivity, purpose, joy, empowerment and peace. If your loved one is still asleep when you wake up then make ‘your side’ of the bed and allow them to do the same when they awaken.

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Share with your loved one how important this daily ‘first’ task is for you and for them, for the growth of your relationship, and for your daily mental health success.

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

—Anne Lamott

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Start Each Day With a 5 to 10 Minute Meditation

Our favorite ‘good habit’ at LoveHelpingOthers.com is meditation. Meditation is practiced by millions of people every day and for a good reason. It is known worldwide as being a great way to relieve stress and overcome anxiety.

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If you have children, wake up 10 minutes earlier in the morning to meditate or meditate at a more convenient time, like during lunch, in the evening

before bedtime, or anytime you’re feeling anxious and want to feel at peace.

Staying Active Physically Is Also Very Helpful to Your Mental Health

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Try going on long walks while listening to your favorite


Healthy Eating and Drinking Enough Water Every Day Are Both ‘Good Habits’

A person's mood can be affected by things like dehydration, low blood sugar, or processed meals with artificial colorings,

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preservatives and artificial flavorings.

A high-sugar diet is a bad habit that can also affect a person's mood and behavior.

Examine what you eat daily and notice whether or not you experience any anxiety spikes after eating.

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Do your best to eliminate processed foods by filling your fridge with healthy vegetables and healthy proteins.

Start your day hydrated by drinking a full glass of water, after you make your bed in the morning, and then drink more water as needed throughout the day.

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Not drinking enough water can result in dehydration, which has been known to cause headaches in some people and reduce their ability to overcome anxiety.

Alcohol and Caffeine

Depending on the severity of your anxiety, remember that reducing, and in some cases, eliminating, your caffeine

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(coffee) and alcohol intake can

make a world of difference in helping you overcome anxiety.

Check with a mental health professional to see what’s best for you.

Videos and E-books

Watch inspiring videos and read

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empowering e-books that build on your purpose in life and bring you peace.

Chamomile Tea

Try drinking some chamomile tea. It’s a good way to calm your nerves and help you fall asleep.

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Giving to Others 

Giving to others is not only a 'good habit' but also a powerful way to overcome anxiety.
Distractions aside, for some people, the act of giving creates more joy, peace and purpose in their lives. They are so busy enjoying a life of helping others that they don't have time to experience anxiety.

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There are so many ways to give.

Some people give by sharing their time, talent or treasure while others give gifts of compassion, kindness and love.


Whatever you do, don't forget to also give lots of compassion, kindness and love to 'yourself'... daily. 

Do so by starting your morning

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with a quality meditation, or watch a beautiful sunrise alone or with the love of your life, or

spend some time playing with your family (don’t forget to play with your pets, they’re family too!), or watch some funny videos or listen to some inspiring podcasts.

And when life gets difficult, or seemingly unbearable,

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no matter how bad it gets, always remember... you are never alone.

Thanks to technology, you can literally discuss your emotional, social, and mental health concerns with a licensed therapist from the comfort of your home within a matter of minutes. And you can message that caring professional... 

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ANYTIME, night or day.

Whether you practice the tools in this e-book or talk to a kind professional therapist,  you now have an amazing opportunity to empower yourself to overcome anxiety and live your best life starting today!

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Please tell your friends and family today about our e-book.

It may be just what they need.

Before you go, please know...

YOU are so very important and meaningful to our planet. You are blessed with a meaningful and important purpose and your opportunities to give love and to receive love are endless. 

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Your only road block is forgetting these words or doubting that they are true.

You will probably never know all the wonderful ways that your uplifting smile or kind gestures have truly helped others get through a difficult day or helped them through...

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their darkest hour.

Giving from your heart has a ripple effect that expands, touches and blesses more lives than you will ever know. Including yours.

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Your lighthouse of kindness not only lights the way for others in need of a safe and peaceful harbor, directing your light of kindness toward yourself can also guide YOU through a storm of tough times. So, remember to give yourself a hug or pat yourself on the back everyday.

And if it helps, say the following affirmation every morning when you wake up... 

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and throughout the day:

I am loved and I am worthy.
I am safe and I am free.
I am powerfully protected.
I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.

— Robert Bruce

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