How To Get Your Small Business Ready 
To Do Business With Big Business


A Training Program by
Bronwyn Reid 
Small Company, Big Business

Helping Small Business Do Business With Big Business

Mentoring & Training

Small Company, Big Business

This Training Program is based on the content of my book Small Company, Big Business: How To Get Your Small  Business Ready To Do Business With Big Business
The content of the book, in turn, is based on my own experience of dealing with big organiations over my lifetime, and many years in business.

Remember ...

... back, when you started your business? You were full of enthusiasm optimism, and great ideas.  
Over time, you've grown, you've added some new customers, some new team members and probably new equipment - perhaps a buiding - as you've expanded.

But somehow, things aren't just working out the way you planned.  You seem to be perpetually stressed, chasing new customers, dealing with staff problems, negotiating with banks ...  And if you really look, you may even be earning less than you were back in the beginning. 

Welcome to the Struggle Zone

In the Struggle Zone, there is no time and no money, but plenty of stress.  
And what's worse is that 7 out of 10 of businesses will never leave the struggle zone.

Small Company, Big Business

I was introducted to this graph by two of my business mentors - Daniel Priestley and Glen Carlson. The information isn't new, but I love the way they have presented it. 

If you are in the Struggle Zone, you know your busines needs something different. Something that will make it step up a gear, and move quickly into the Lifesyle Zone. 

Small Company, Big Business

My years of experience tell me that one of the best ways to make that big step is to take on a contract with a big customer.  That one, first contract can be the spark for real growth. It gives you the credibility to bid on the next, larger contract - and the cycle repeats.

But there's a problem ...

Unfortunately, winning that work is easier said than done. 
There are three issues that create a disconnect between your potential big client and you.  The interesting thing is that both parties are looking at exactly the same problems - but from different points of view.

Small Company, Big Business

Why this Program?

Small Company, Big Business

The purpose of this course is to overcome those disconnects. You will learn what your potential big customers expect of you, and how to prepare your business.  You will have the opportunity to learn from of some of the time and money I have wasted learning these lessons!
I want to help you prepare your business for the bigger opportunities that may be out of your reach at the moment.

What's in the Program?

The Small Company, Big Business Program has 5 elements: 

The Small Company, Big Business Program covers the 5 essential steps you MUST take before you can attract, win, and retain work with big organisations.

Understand Your Buyer

Before you can successfully work with big customers, you have to understand that they are different. You are going to have to change the way you do business, and your mindset.

Set Your Foundations

It is impossible to build a house on wobbly foundations, and the same applies to your business. You have to get these things right to give your big customer confidence that you have a stable and capable business. 

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Small Company, Big Business

Simplify The Complexity

Your big customers demand consistent and reliable service. Robust, documented systems are the only way to achieve this goal.

Make Yourself Known 

If you’re not online, you don’t exist. Your big customers will search for, and research you online. Be there, and be credible.

Tell Your Story 

The days of a handshake deal over a coffee or lunch are over. Well written proposals and tenders that tell your individual story, and demonstrate your value, are the new normal.

BONUS MODULE You've won the tender. Now what?

Once your hard work has paid off and you have won your first contract, you have to actually deliver.   This bonus module is an introduction to Project Management so you can keep your new, bit customer.


One of the advantages of being in the industry of small business mentoring for so many years is that I have met some fabulous entrepreneurs who have become specialists and experts in their chosen field. I have managed to convince some of them to contribute to the SCBB Program by making guest presentations on their specialist topics. There’s some real gems in here! 

Small Company, Big Business

Small Company, Big Business

What Investment is required?

You will be spending your time:

  • Participating in the group sessions
  • Liaising with your team and stakeholders
  • Applying the lessons from each session
  • Sharing suggestions and feedback

What will I take away from the Program?

At the end of our time together, you will:

   Understand how big buyers think and what they expect from you 
   Be able to make a decision about whether you really want to work with big customers or not
   Understand and put in place the business foundations that will allow you to grow
   Know how to document and implement robust systems so the business runs smoothly
   Be able to create a credible digital footprint for your business that doesn't have to be complex
   Know how to prepare a tender response or proposal that won't fail at the first stage
    Understand basic Project Management so you can deliver on your contract, on time & budget

And most of all,  you will have the confidence that your business is good enough to step up, play a bigger game, and work with the "big names" that may have overlooked you before. 

Ready to start?

   Email Bronwyn directly on so we can get the admin stuff sorted.
   Payment can be made by Credit Card or PayPal.
   The dates of the next course will be sent to you.

Copyright © Bronwyn Reid
Small Company, Big Business 2022