9 Things to Do Instead of Giving Up

Having a low day?

One of the most important rules regarding success is that you can’t give up easily; there are always obstacles to overcome. If you give up too soon, you’ll never get anywhere. 

Think about the least and most successful people you know: 

When the going gets tough, there are things you can do instead of giving up:

1. Take a break. Sometimes the best thing to do when things don’t seem to be going your way is to take a break. A break might mean taking an hour, a day, or a week away from your goals to catch your breath and regain a more effective perspective. Do not feel bad about doing this!

2. Get advice. When something isn’t working, the advice of an expert can be extremely helpful. It’s possible that your approach just requires a little tweaking or it might be that your approach is more than a little wrong. Advice from the right person can make a big difference. Make sure it is an expert in your field not a friend or family member that is not as they may make you feel like giving up without realizing. Only take advice from those that have been through what you have or are going through.

3. Learn. If nothing is working, it might be time to sit down and educate yourself on what you’re trying to accomplish and if you are lacking anything you could learn. A little more knowledge might be the cure for your current struggles so enhance your expertise and then apply what you learn.

Things to Do Instead of Giving Up cont.

4. Develop a new plan. Perhaps it’s time for a new approach. When one plan isn’t working, another plan might be the solution. It’s important not to give up too soon on your current methods but it doesn’t help you at all if you try to stick it out for too long once it becomes obvious that it isn’t working. Keep track and audit often so you know what is or isn't working and how you could adjust. 

6. Rekindle your motivation. Are you simply losing your motivation? There are ways around that:

5. Try harder. Everyone thinks they’re working extremely hard, but few people actually are. The solution to your challenge might be to double your efforts and grind. This most likely won't be enjoyable, but the most successful people are highly effective at employing this tactic.

7. Determine why you want to give up. Are you tired? Are you short of a particular resource such as time, money, or another set of hands? Is it taking too long? Are you confused? Determine the cause of why you want to give up and look for a solution that resolves the issue.

8. Get support. It might be time to call your friends and family for a little emotional support. Everyone needs some encouragement once in a while and be willing to lean on others when necessary. The people that care about you the most are usually happy to help.

9. Set a new target. There are times that a goal isn’t suitable or possible. In those cases, set a new target that’s appealing and motivating. Also remember that no one makes perfect choices all of the time; the real crime is to stick with a poor choice when it isn’t necessary.

Things to Do Instead of Giving Up cont.

Giving up is very common among average people, but who wants to be average? Not you! Rather than give up when you become frustrated or stressed, use one of the above strategies and stay in the game. Most people would be significantly more successful if they wouldn’t give up so quickly. Learning how to deal effectively with the urge to quit is an important skill to develop. There are plenty of better options than giving up.

Remember: Just like the lottery, you can’t win if you don’t play!

5. Try harder. Everyone thinks they’re working extremely hard, but few people actually are. The solution to your challenge might be to double your efforts and grind. This most likely won't be enjoyable, but the most successful people are highly effective at employing this tactic.

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