How Do You Sabotage Your Success?

Are you sabotaging your success?

Everyone has had the experience of self-destructing. It’s a strange feeling to know that you ruined the very thing you were trying so hard to accomplish. Most self-sabotage is the result of discomfort. It can be the discomfort of failing, succeeding, or having to perform tasks that are uncomfortable.

You may have heard the saying, “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Unfortunately, most of us are well-practiced in the art of avoiding discomfort. This is the most common way we sabotage our success.

Consider these points:

1. Distractions. The tasks that need to be done in order to be successful are typically less appealing than watching TV, surfing the internet, or spending time with friends. We’re experts at distracting ourselves, and the urge to seek out distractions increases with the unpleasantness of the task.

2. Procrastination. Distractions are one way of procrastinating, but there are countless ways to procrastinate. The general theme is that you’re doing something other than what you should be doing.

Sabotage Your Success cont.

3. Indecisiveness. Indecisiveness is a success killer. When you can’t make up your mind, progress comes to a stop. If you wait until you have all the wisdom and information necessary to make the perfect choice, you’ll be waiting a long time. You have to pull the trigger and move forward.

4. Negative thoughts. For many people, the closer they get to success, the more negative thoughts they experience.

5. Try harder. Everyone thinks they’re working extremely hard, but few people actually are. The solution to your challenge might be to double your efforts and grind. This most likely won't be enjoyable, but the most successful people are highly effective at employing this tactic.

5. Focus on low-priority tasks. We like to work on our projects but avoid the most important tasks. The most important tasks are often the least enjoyable, so we avoid them. We tackle the less important tasks because it allows us to feel like we’re still making progress.

6. Quitting. This is the ultimate way to sabotage your success. You can’t achieve anything if you quit before you’re successful. Many people have a habit of quitting right before achieving success.

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Self-sabotage is a great problem to have because you don’t need to try to change anyone else. In fact, the entire issue is your responsibility! This might sound disheartening, but it’s easier to change yourself than it is to change someone else. Keep these tips in mind as you go through your day and soon, you’ll find yourself enjoying your successes instead of bemoaning your failures!

Remember: The person responsible for your successes and failures is staring at you in the mirror each day.

5. Try harder. Everyone thinks they’re working extremely hard, but few people actually are. The solution to your challenge might be to double your efforts and grind. This most likely won't be enjoyable, but the most successful people are highly effective at employing this tactic.

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