"Seeds of Light"


1er volumen

Enseñanza Sâdhana




Wake up to Roar


This beautiful collection of texts can bring something so deep to those who read them. 

You will see that they were taken from videos or live meetings that happened with Sarkhân. 

We try to make it as simple and straightforward as possible. If you pay attention, you can find many layers of wisdom and transformational suggestions that direct you to recognize, once and for all, your divine nature. 

I hope you find this helpful and insightful. The more open one is, the words that come from the deepest possible love will begin to grow within a pure heart and in no time the reality of the Self will reveal itself for enjoyment.

Humility, openness and the desire to remember one's true identity will be the fire that dissolves all limitations.

Break free from the jaws of time and space. 

Wake up and Roar!

Wake up to Roar


"Sarkhan: The gift of time - in terms of awakening - is to show you that it's not as relevant as it used to be. One believes that awakening may require time, practice, improvement, and the last gift of time is to reveal to you that you no longer need it. And if you can accept that gift with open arms, you will realize that it is no longer necessary to procrastinate, there is no reason why you don't realize that you've always been awaken now.

Then you'll see the simplicity that everything else was just a misunderstanding of the game, that was it.

Student: Yes, I understand, but I don't live it like that yet.

Sarkhan: Don't worry, the mind thinks you don't live it that way. 

Student: I don't feel one with the Self.

Sarkhan: You need not be one with the Self, you are the Self.
No one can experience being one with the Self. No one. No one will ever be able to experience being one with something.
Always alone It is the Self, it has always been the Supreme Self alone.

The pure proposal that one at some point is going to be one with the Self is immediately saying that one is separated from the Self now, and that ‘you’ and the Self exist. Two beings. A small being that is going to join the big one, for example, two beings, two selves.

Wake up to Roar

There are no two beings.
Student: Yes... I wrote down a sentence wrong then: "To be one with the Self".
Sarkhan: Well, they are indicators to put the tongue twisters or the mazes, until, or: those who think they already know leave, or: those who think they don't know stay and there is more humility.
So that's why I do these things, because here in the game of Being you have to be quite ready, ready, ready... so for you to realize that only one Self has always, always existed.
When there is still a notion that you and something exist, one of two things: either the real fire of your own self-discovery increases, or the other is that one stays at a certain level, as if a place had already been achieved and people conclude that according to them they are Ready. And this is one of the most difficult deceptions to break free from.
So, that's why sometimes these things are said, but, after all, I've said it several times, but it's good to remember:
Everything that one says never treat it literally.

It is impossible to speak of the Absolute, it is impossible.
There is no way, it is a waste of time, any attempt is unsuccessful by everything I say or I try to show from all possible angles. Because I know that by showing it from different possible angles, all possible angles are automatically invalidated.

Wake up to Roar

Some of you need to clarify some things, understand some things, integrate some things, for others it is the destruction of some things. Each one of you sees it, integrates it and explores it in a different way, my job is to give here -obviously in the meetings that I give online through the school, because they are a little more general, are much broader- that when I spend more time with you in a close way, we can touch little things with precision. Or when we spend more time together I can focus or see little things or traps that I know that at some point you will see them if you keep going, or if you are willing to take the step, because there are things that you need to go through that I see that you are experiencing that are limiting you, but you have to discover them for yourself.
Sometimes I'll tell you if you ask me, sometimes I won't. It depends on each one of your self-discoveries, but ultimately:
You have a direct experience of Being, of Self.
And I can assure you that there are no two beings.
That Self that you experience yourself Being without the need to know, without the cognition of knowing, without limitations, or deficiencies, or dependencies or crutches of any kind, that is the Self itself.”

- Sarkhan
Satsang of January 15, 2023.

Wake up to Roar


“If you want something powerful, unique and simple, do not pay attention to any thought, to any intention, to any desire, to any trajectory, to any path, to any proposal that tells you: tomorrow or after a while, you have to purify yourself, let go, practice…
Do not accept any of that. For what?, for whom?, who?, who according to what?
And when you start to really inquire, to question and to go deep in this approach, you are going to go to where the duality of the illusion begins, you are going to break it, you are going to penetrate the field, the veil, break free from the shell of that which prevents you from realizing that the only thing that has always existed is The Absolute and the fantasy that the senses launch does not exist. And therein lies the key.
Being silent, being quiet, being empty, not listening to anything, not paying attention to anything, not awarding yourself anything, not validating yourself in relation to anything, just Be… simple, pure.

Do you want an example? Look! Next to this woman is a little baby, it simply is and because it is, what a depth! what a magnetism! and she doesn't even know that she is, because she doesn't need to know it, there is no notion that I recognize that I am, because there is no need; she does not have to, and she sees such purity! How it radiates innocence, joy, connection with the depths of existence. And this is something that many adults do not reflect.

Wake up to Roar

Adults reflect their attachments with creation, with desire, with materialism, my God! And yet the most innocent reflects that it is in connection with the deepest and most mysterious of existence.
And that is the invitation, to go inside, and discover yourself in relation to when you arrived in this world, when your body allowed you to discover yourself in this world.
The Self does not need -seriously- neither to discover itself, nor to purify, nor to let go, nor to recognize itself, nor to remain, nor to discover the present; nor to be aware of what is, nor to be aware of nothingness, nor to be aware of now, all of that is pure fantasy of the ego and the fantasy of spirituality.
True spirituality is when all spiritual experience that exists disappears. That is the true spirituality, when there is an Absolute Void forever, not sometimes yes, sometimes no.
If there is still sometimes yes, sometimes no, fantasy, ego, time, space, mind; and all that exists because there is a hidden 'I'. Like when you go to the jungle and there is a leopard that you cannot see, -something like that-, the 'I' hides in your existence and people cannot see it because it is very similar to who you are, but it does not mean that you are that.

Wake up to Roar

That is what we discover here, it is the intention, all meetings are always different, they talk about different angles, different perspectives, different questions, a little bit of everything, but this is the playing field and all intention, all interaction, it is to make your life easier. It helps you simplified this game to such a degree in your ‘doing nothing’, absolutely nothing, that you remain empty, without impulse, without intentions and you let something more beautiful arise; something that sets the tone, the time, in every way, in all actions, even in non-action and allow yourself at some point to let yourself be guided and carried away by That which knows perfectly how to take you by the hand if you allow it.

How do you make sure you can do it?
How empty you are of everything, of concepts, of ideas, of journeys, of interpretations. It all depends on that. If you are full, it is impossible, even if you have had the most beautiful experiences with the angels in the… I don't know… higher realities, they are useless; they are only distractors, something very pure that is not lost in the game of the elements.
But you are here and I honor that you are here and I revered that you are here, even for this once, there will always be gratitude because this moment you are everything to me and as such, I treat you as such; as that which deserves all respect and reverence.
And it is time that you now learn it or explore it with yourself, that you value yourself so much, so much, so much; that you really want to finally see yourself for who you really are, and that that little ghost that is there does not validate itself again as if it were you. And you will be able to live the life you deserve: a full and clear one.”

- Sarkhan /Satsang "Unity Does Not Exist"

Wake up to Roar


“That is why the Self, the true Being, transcends everything, duality and non-duality are insignificant things in its reality, they are non-existent.

It is impossible to talk about it, impossible to describe it, impossible to name it, in its closest reality, -and it is not even that-, there is absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing.

I said it's the closest, not that it is (Sarkhân clarifies a question in the chat).

And there are people who experience nothing and think it's about that, there are many people who think they understand what I'm talking about and they have no idea what I'm talking about. 

Correct!, duality, lies, fantasy. (Sarkhân responds to a statement in the chat).

The consciousness of unity is: there is something that is aware that something that is Unified that exists, there is something that names and makes references to the fact that only That exists, and names it "the Self".

There is something that notices a cosmic phenomenon called Self; One, Alone.

But the question is: who is 'that one' who notices that?
Because if you name the experience of unity, there is someone who is experiencing it, and suddenly that unity is gone. And there is awareness that this is happening.

Wake up to Roar

But I’ll make it very easy for you:
You go to sleep, okay? neither the non-Self, nor the I realize, there is absolutely nothing, you are not even aware because there is not even the awareness that awareness exists, nor the recognition that nothing exists -and that is not even what I'm talking about-.
But the deep sleep, more or less, points to what I am talking about, in the Reality of the Self there is neither consciousness nor unity, the Self does not even exist, that is a way of saying it. Put it another way: in the reality of The Absolute, The Absolute doesn’t even exist. It is a way of saying it, it is impossible to describe and it is not a phenomenon that sometimes happens or does not happen.
Another way of saying it:
For you to reach unity, for example, -the unity of consciousness that only That exists, because that is a recognition of something, of an object- certain things had to have happened, for example: for there to be the experience of unity , you had to have gone from duality to non-duality, that is, there had to be a phenomenon or a mechanism or a path of: I went from 'this' to 'this'.

So, I can recognize that 'this' is Union because I compare it with 'this' which is not a The One, so I call it Union, but it is in relation to something, it is its comparison, its counterpart.
For example, if you say that there is only The Self, it is because you are comparing it with the experience of 'not being or not self'. There is always a reference point in counterpart to the other.

Wake up to Roar

If you really want to understand at deeper and deeper and deeper levels you will find that everything you understand, explore, describe, experience or have experienced, you relate it to something else to validate it. And there the duality is very obvious, the opposites constantly justifying themselves and projecting their counterparts at very, very, very difficult levels of perception. That is why what I share cannot be compared, nor does it come from something, nor is it a mechanic, nor a process and that you can relate it in counterpart to something else.

Just Alone.

For you to have the experience of emptiness, for example, it is because you compare it or validate it in relation to fullness or its counterpart noise or its counterpart a multitude of things, there is always a concept, name, in relation to something else, but, what happens if you remove all relation, all comparative, all opposite of all kinds?

Because for that you need the consciousness to realize, you realize that the Being exists, you realize that the Being does not exist, you realize that there is emptiness, you realize that there is no emptiness, you realize that there are thoughts, you realize that there are no thoughts… it's more! I'm noticing, I'm noticing, self-aware of awareness, okay? And that is a super crazy phenomenon, what I am talking about is, 'That which transcends consciousness and awareness itself', because that is what I tell you, you go to sleep and consciousness completely disappears.

You don't even know that you are, and yet You Are! Then it means that your existence does not depend on consciousness. Your existence! Because for you to be able to recognize unity, there must be awareness of unity, realize that unity exists, validate, witness, see, -whatever you want to name it-, awareness! consciousness! being!

Wake up to Roar

And there is the knot of duality in its maximum expression, which is the combination of consciousness, intellect, name, concept, ‘I’ and 'I-am-ness'.

That is what generates the knot that prevents you from seeing the Reality of the Absolute as Unique and Alone. 

And I tell you, from the perspective of the Self, there is no consciousness, nor the Being, nor unity, nor non-duality. None of those things exist, that is pure fantasy! that is within the game, of the cosmic game of illusion, enveloped by the game of Consciousness. 

But once you break Awareness, recognition, consciousness, what is left? Who is the One left? And that is what you come here to discover, something that does not depend on whether the consciousness is clear or not clear, if unity exists or does not exist, if sometimes it is or is not. Because then that continues to be pure fantasy of the ego.

  In the Reality of the Absolute none of that exists, Consciousness does not exist -as such- nor its phenomena, nor its notions, nor anything. 

- Correct! very good! (Sarkhân answers the student who is writing in the chat). 

'In the end it is absurd to name or talk about the Absolute, because we do the Absolute from the mind' (Sarkhân repeats what the student wrote in the chat).

- Correct! The pure concept of the Absolute is mind.

Wake up to Roar

That's why I said it a while ago, it's a direction and nothing more that points to something that is impossible to talk about, and yet we speak it and yet we explore it and yet we are That, in spite of everything. And That's you! That has always been You! You will always be That.

That which is impossible to describe and to speak and to name and to touch and to notice, is impossible, because it will never be an object and yet It Is.

And yet It Is."

- Sarkhân
Satsang "Unity Does Not Exist"

Wake up to Roar


What we were talking about is that the observer is illusory, you talk, for example, about comparisons. How the heads, I don't know, the tails and the heads of the coin, it's as if one stops being at the heads, stops being in the tails, and then stops being in the coin, and then there is the observer who observes the coin, and well, that, it kind of becomes more specific, more acute, but there comes a point in which one it’s like maybe you don't do it about anything, but even if you don't do it about anything, not even the observer or I don't know what, or I don't know how much, or the coin, or right, or left, it continues to be seen that there is a loop of 'something', as if it were something... invisible!, which is there, continues being a loop.
So, of course! You say that here I can no longer distance myself, nor can I not distance myself, and that's like (laughs), what do I do?
The problem there is that there is a self-definition, I am going to give you an example, and all of you can explore this, so that you can see more or less the simplicity of the game -in terms of the observer-, okay?

Because the truth of who you are can only be explored in terms of what you are NOT.

Wake up to Roar

Because you will never be able to discover the truth of who You Are, it is impossible, who 'You Are' will never be an object, so you will never be able to discover, find, touch, savor... Never! That's not going to happen, so the only way to get to the Reality of who You Are is in terms of denying everything, in terms of your True Identity.

It is the only way, there is no other way.

And you start in very simple ways, if you see a lamp -even if it is absurd-, you see a lamp and it is obvious that you are not the lamp, you are the Witness of the lamp. For example, right now you are the witness of a computer, there is something that recognizes something in front of itself and you cannot be the object that you are recognizing, because otherwise, how can there be a recognition?

For there to be a recognition there is something that recognizes in relation to something.

So, in this simple game of recognition, you go inside in terms of the ‘one who looks’ like this: wuuuuuaaa! (points towards the inside, chest).

So, suddenly you start an internal game where you can see your body, your thoughts, your emotions, and it starts to become more and more natural to observe, to notice, and it becomes more and more natural, natural, natural, natural. There comes a point where that naturalness - because that observing will reject everything -, because if not, it would not be an observer, the quality of observing by itself rejects everything and everything is an object of perception.

Wake up to Roar

Then, naturally it begins to become more and more natural, you don't have to do anything, and It begins to self-reveal the naturalness of being That which observes, that you notice. But there comes a point where you go inside, inside, inside, that this observer has defined himself with something, and there will come a point where you can be noticing this.

For example: thoughts, ideas, concepts, desires, dreams, desires, interpretations. And you begin to see them as something distant from you, and that naturally begins to generate or take distance from things, from more and more things, and there will come a point where you will run into a wall, you will no longer be able to observe, but in this last point, there are the craziest of traps, because there is the notion of space, unity, consciousness, non-duality, advaita vedanta and more experiences. And you will see that there are all of these and even more!

But people do not perceive that they are still cosmic objects of perception, because the filament is already there, the curtain of duality, the true duality with its subtlety, the veil is there in the hypnosis that prevents you from seeing the reality of the Being or the Absolute.

But of course, this is beginning to look more and more natural because that distance before was very… very thick, robust!

Wake up to Roar

Before it was the elements, the tangible, but then you start to enter the game of the abstract, of the subtle. So, the perception, for example, of the abstract is there: unity, nothingness, the notion that there is no self, all these things -even if you don't see it- are still objects of perception, there is still someone there in relation to something else, but that starts to become more and more natural the more you explore the tips and games that I have given. These tricks will stop being tricks and you will be able to see them as objects of perception and they will not deceive you, but there will come a point where you will run into a wall and there will be nothing more to see. There will be nothing more to see and there is the last link of false identity. And that breaks itself and when it breaks, all this disappears forever and what remains is the reality of the Self, Absolute… Boom!

Because the last link of false identity in relation to 'me and something' is broken and that link has some rather interesting compounds, which is a combination of consciousness, time, observance, the notion of being aware, of I exist, I am... that is, It is like a few droplets or filaments that make up your existence, and You Are That which is behind the existence of being, and That is the one that explores, and That is the one that must be discovered.

Therefore, only the true Being is impossible for you to explore, everything is in relation to something else... everything I say starts and has to be in relation to denying everything that is in front of you.

That thing about the loop is the ego constantly biting its own tail, and the ego -it's what Diana asks if that's a loop-, (Sarkhân answers a question in the chat). A loop is like that dog that bites its own tail that doesn't ends, it doesn't end, it doesn't end. It is the song that is repeated and repeated and repeated constantly. Of course, it is repeated because it is the ego perpetuating its own perspective, that is why people do not get out of that loop, because they do not allow themselves to go deeper and start challenging all those false conclusions and interpretations.

Wake up to Roar

The duality or illusion is going to continue to perpetuate itself constantly, that is its game, to perpetuate itself, and how would I say?, to become more and more sophisticated. Just like before there was windows 98, windows 2000, windows 2010 and so on (because it's getting better). Duality is the same! The illusion is the same!

Take it for what it is, yesterday was a degree of sophistication and tomorrow will be a more powerful one. This is how it is, but there is the invitation for you to become more powerful than the illusion, that is its greatest gift, that you become more expert in yourself in relation to the fantasy of what is presented to you, -but I tell you- the loop only exists for the one who exists in the loop and it is the ego itself constantly wanting to validate its own fantasy. That's why one doesn't get out, that's why the desire to wake up has to be very intense!, so that that dog biting its tail, that loop that people never get out of, you challenge it, question yourself and this will create anxiety, generate such a strong conflict, that you say:

'Stop! Either I get out or I get out!’

But in terms of what I was talking about with Mica -in terms of the observer and that- it's important to follow the signal, the direction, the pointer of the observance until you run into the one who, according to what he observes -and what I'm telling you -, the one that according to what you observe is composed of 'I amness', that is, 'I know, I am', and you do not need to intellectually validate it, but you know that you are an observer or that you are observing, then there is an 'I amness' observing -and it is what I'm telling you-, it's a mixture of consciousness, intellect, concept, notion, self-validation that you are. And that you cannot be, because if your true Being needs to recognize what it is and validate itself, what happens in the moments when it is not recognized that it Is? Does it cease to be the Self?

Wake up to Roar

Well, there is the false being and that is the last link, there comes a point where you run into a wall and that is the last link. And the last link is that subtle combination of consciousness-notion-existence. And when that is broken, -because it is more or less like that-, or it is done, or it is recognized as non-existent -in terms of who you have really been-, the fantasy is like this: Goodbye! And it is forever. Hey? It's not coming back again, no, no, no! if it comes back again, it's because it hasn't been broken. It's super obvious, it's like telling the... I don't know... the river that flows into the sea, and you say:

- Hey! Return to be a river!
- It's just impossible! I am already the Ocean!

What are you going to tell me? If you understand me? -it's something like this-.

It's impossible, it's impossible to return if you've already arrived and merged with the Source, it's impossible, there's no way, there's no way.

So, play with this, because I know that observing can become very natural, the naturalness of observance, -but of course-, there is something that still defines itself as the one who observes, as the one who exists, the one who notices, and there is still a false identity link, you don't have to do anything but not play self-validation or conform yourself with that, ah, I'm just the observer!

Wake up to Roar

No! Because who is that one who is self-validating and self-positioning in a phenomenon called observance and ends up being an ‘I’, 'I observe', 'I notice', 'I discover', 'I know', 'I experience', ' I experience unity', 'I have discovered being', 'there is only That', the one that is constantly justifying, validating things, and that is the one that must be challenged, that is the one that must not be accepted like if it were you. And if you have the disposition to really go to the depth of that false mask that you have imposed upon yourself, you take it off and say: Oh! If this is my true face! Wow! I had never seen it before! But why do I want to see it? I do not care! and you move on, because there is no need. -Something like that-.

The key to everything is: it disappears, -ultimately- Who is that I, who observes, explores, discovers, falls, gets up, identifies, disidentifies, notices, doesn't notice?

Who is that one?, who is it?, who is that I?, who is?

And do not accept, do not accept, do not accept, do not allow yourself to accept that that I, that I amness, that sameness, it clouds who You really are, the true Self, not the false self, -I tell you- you are beyond consciousness, do not award it to yourself and do not play with it, if you ignore consciousness, (consciousness and unconsciousness) -that the two are the same after all-, it is the same coin seen from another side, you will discover something really real, that exists by Itself, and that no phenomenon and no notion of any kind applies to It. And That is the only thing that is free and really real, the rest is simply appearances happening within itself.

And That's You!

Not the appearance.

Wake up to Roar

You are the other, just stop validating yourself and adjudicating whatever happens in front of you as if it had something to do with you.
But I tell you, it all starts with a self, the experience of 'I am the observer', inclusively, 'I am' 'the observer' or 'I experience myself as observance'. Fantasy!
Easy, you go to sleep and all that does not exist, it disappears completely -and it goes further than this-, this explanation gets a little closer, but there is still consciousness, and it is the absence of everything of I am talking about.”

- Sarkhân
Spanish Satsang Satsang ‘Unity Does Not Exist’

Wake up to Roar


Sarkhan: Hello everyone, hello everyone! Welcome to this new year! I hope you are very well, I wish you blessings and my best wishes always.
How are you? What brought some of you here?
Welcome to those who have not had the opportunity to be with us in these meetings. Obviously today is an open meeting for anyone, you are free to share, to ask and take advantage of this space among all of us. So, I welcome you to those who have never been here, from those of us who are in here always exploring and sharing.
How was the beginning of the year? How are you? How are You? Do you hear me well? What brings you here? What was the decision so we are here sharing this space together? What brought you here?
You can… if you want to share or write… Yes! (nods), you can open the camera, you can open the camera, microphone without any problem.
This space is for you and whatever you decide, no problem.

Assistant: Hello, hello everyone! Well, I felt inspired to join to thank, to thank you, for what... well, what I have received through you, then, well, that was, like I wanted to join to express my gratitude, and well, also to all the people also that they collaborate in the WhatsApp chat that I am in, that they support the same purpose. 

Wake up to Roar

So, practically, that is it, connecting to thank you and that's it, I don't know what will be next on this side, but for now it's that, what you've shared, that can make my mind go deeper, or see things beyond what I had seen, -yes that-, so thank you very much!

Sarkhan: No, thank you!
Anyone else want to ask a question, share something?
Feel free of any little thing, without any problem.

Well, let's start this year on the right foot.
Ultimately all I want for each of you, and your immediate reality is to open your eyes to discover who You are.
My only intention, my only work, the purpose of these spaces is to clarify, guide, accompany, share, dialogue and thus discover the enigma of our existence.
Who really are You.

Who You really have always been. Not the fantasy that you believed about yourself, and that the world told you about, and that loved ones fostered, but from the root of the root. Who are You really?

Wake up to Roar

It would be nice, sometimes we play with these things, right? And the games are fine, after all, it's a game, right? But what do you want, in relation to this, for this year? What do you plan to do? What will you do?, are you going to settle for: am I fine where I am?, or are you going to go fully into the depths of yourself to find the answer yes or yes?

The purpose of us living, the purpose of everyone living, is to awaken to the reality of who they are. That's the first… uh… the first priority.
From there, what arises from there, how you play your life, what you decide to do in your game, that is up to you how to explore it. But the first intention of each event, circumstance, each breath, each time you get up and you open your eyes, the gift, the invitation is that you discover That One before you open your eyes.
And that's why you're here.
This space, the indicators, the games, is for you to have such a natural, absolute recognition of who you have always been, that the fantasy, the ghost, the one you pretend to be disappears before you, and you realize who you are is wonderful, complete and something already full and perfect by Itself.

Wake up to Roar

But for that you have to realize where the lie is, where the fantasy is, you have to clarify where you have believed something as truth that does not have as much truth as you have given it. Where there are beliefs, desires, concepts, interpretations, about yourself, about the world, about life, what concepts have you added, what concepts have you removed, which ones are still prevailing and blocking and disturbing a clear vision of your nature that I call the Self or the Absolute, or the Supreme -the name does not matter- but it refers to the same thing, and that to which it refers, you have always been That.”

- Sarkhan
Spanish Satsang to The Public - January 01, 2023.

Wake up to Roar


“That which is beyond all mirage, beyond all perception, beyond all contemplation, beyond anything perceived, there is someone already free and complete. And that's YOU.
It is important that you clarify what game there is for you to play, how you are going to play it, how you are going to explore your interior, in what way, how, what things are preventing you from going more within, what things are preventing you from realizing the fantasy of the inside.
Each one of you is in a different place, in exploration, each one, by his own nature, by his own infinite nature, is exploring a game of self-discovery with different flavors.
Now it is, how much in you, and how much are you going to explore, how much are you going to inquire, how much curiosity do you really have in discovering yourself, in essence, in truth, in veracity, in presence. Because nothing is going to give you peace but that.
You can believe that you are living in peace, and I can assure you that somewhere you are hiding in peace, to flee from pain and suffering.

Nothing brings peace or fulfillment until you discover who you are. Before that, there is always a place where it is uncomfortable, where there is doubt, anxiety, stress.
Stress may be hidden, but it does not mean that it has completely vanished, diluted, or destroyed.

Wake up to Roar

The only thing that can completely destroy, all confusion, all strife, all anger, all insufficiency, all malaise... the only, the only, the only, is that you discover your naturalness, your essence, your beauty, your nature, who have You always been.
Everything else is never going to be enough. Nothing is going to do it.
You can do it at times. For a moment you can be at peace, for a moment you can be happy, and it can even last several moments, even years. And ultimately at some point there may come a rebound, a whiplash, because the enigma of who You are has not been answered, you don't really know.

And you spend your time researching so many things, finding out so many things, learning so many things, and the most important piece there is, is that You Are, you pay little or no attention to it.”

- Sarkhân
Spanish Satsang A New Beginning/ Total Surrender - January 01, 2023

Wake up to Roar


“And it is important that this space that we have and your intentions from here on are magnified, increased, in that there is only one priority in you, which is to finally discover who You are.
And from that platform, live life!, from that platform, from that internal game, explore: your loved ones, your work, your hobbies, whatever you want! But the inner game is the key here, because ultimately if you miss out on who You Are, you miss out on a lot, a lot.
The unconscious, the patterns, the unconsciousness, the ignorance prevails, they bend you, they make you beg, they make you lose yourself, they make you live confused, separated, ignorant. And you are not destined to live like this obviously, of course you are not destined to live like this. No one is destined to live like this.
The only thing is that, for most people, their priorities are others. They obviously want other things, and they are within their rights. Everyone is playing unfulfilled desires, unfulfilled desires, deficiencies due to desires for experiences they long to have.
And in that, their priority something else, because obviously a very deep game makes you transcend the game of desires, the game of experiences, and any platform from which you have lived, will live and are living and will experience.

IT challenges everything.

Wake up to Roar

An internal game challenges everything.
And not everyone dares to go inside and discover that who they have believed to be for so many years is a fantasy, it is a fallacy, it is a hypnotic mask of unreality.
And not everyone wants to discover that they have spent so many years investing time, money and effort in pure things that are useless.
And, on the one hand, obviously, the ego is going to be bothered by that, but on the other hand, your Being is going to say: I can finally live from my true essence, I can finally live from the depths of me, connected, free to love, clear, undisturbed, serene and empty and truly connected to the essence from this creation manifests.
Anything less than that -in truth- is incomplete, unfinished, has many shortcomings, ups and downs.
Obviously here the invitation is for you to realize that you have always been awake, to Wake Up Now!
I try not to tell anyone what to do or not to do -sometimes yes- but if I do it's because the game really requires it. It seems that people need to experience a few other little things before they decide to really break the veil for themselves, they need to go through certain experiences that they think are necessary - which are not really necessary - but which they believe are necessary, and prolong their suffering and prolong Their Awakening, due to false conclusions and beliefs, or sensory experiences or interpretations of things that they heard or read at some point and believed out of naivety.

Wake up to Roar

Here is your heart inviting you to put a stop. Your heart, your presence, your essence is saying enough!, stop, stop all that unconscious current of desires, intentions and false hopes that promulgate and promise and say.
The only thing they promise and promulgate and say is: fantasy, ignorance and duality.
Anything that proposes tomorrow is taking you away from what is most immediate and natural in you Now. Everything that it proposes to you and says that you have to do something to obtain something that according to what you do not have, is fantasy and a lie.
Every experience that according to what you have had, are having and are going to have, what do you think? Also, fantasy! It can't be true.
How can something that happens in front of you -which apparently has reality- be true, when the Witness of all experience is more real than what is witnessed?

And this is where we have to pay close attention. This is where we have to be curious to investigate, to see.

In the midst of every experience there is someone, someone who notices it, there is someone who witnesses it, there is someone who sees it.
There is something prior to everything.

And Who is that? Who is the One who has always been previously before any phenomenon, circumstance, feeling, doing, achievement, goal?

Wake up to Roar

And That One, for That One, there are neither achievements, goals, nor doings, nor purifications, nor letting go, nor practices, nor techniques, nothing, nothing can exist for That One, because That One is already free and complete.
And that's YOU.
The game is, how do you break that little fantasy of the one in front of you, who pretends to be you, and that you have believed him and that you have given him and validated him as if he were your identity?
Nothing absolutely nothing, nothing that happens in front of you can be You, it is impossible.
You will never be an object of perception, that is why you will never be able to find yourself, see yourself, recognize yourself, look at yourself, witness yourself, -it is impossible-, you will never be able to find something that has never been lost or that will never be an object of perception.
Objects you can always find. You can look for anything! At the mental level, at the intellectual level, at the consciousness level, at the sensory level, at the emotional level, at the spiritual level, you can create many things that happen in front of you, and you can explore, touch and savor them.

But ultimately all these phenomena, as incredible as they are, will never be able to solve the riddle of Who You Really Are, never!
You can fall into a fantasy that you think you already know, and that fantasy will probably never be broken and you fall into very strong and very unconscious aspects of ego and duality that are very difficult, almost impossible to break free from.

Wake up to Roar

But there has to be a very strong curiosity, very honest, and that your dedication shows it, that your actions begin to align themselves with what is most important of all.
May you discover Who You Are, yes or yes.
Without the intensity of dedication and surrender to yourself, to your own Being and to break all the ties that you have imposed upon yourself. This has to be intense, played with reverence and love and seriousness, -in the sense of importance- not in the sense of seriousness 'of getting mad or rigid' - no... of seriousness that it's important, or it will never happen.
In you is your freedom, since within you, you have put your own chains. So, this conversation is important.
It is an important conversation because it is in you, a lot is at stake, as for you as for everyone close to you.

And that intensity has to go towards a greater, greater dedication, greater internalization, greater understanding, greater openness, greater humility... all towards more, because anything less than that I can assure you that the ego with its traps, the Consciousness with its subtleties and its sensory phantoms, will continue to recreate more and more and more duality, confusion and sensory cobwebs that will make you never leave the game.

The illusion is powerful, it is an existential energetic web that catches everyone, like a fishing net. And it has caught most people, if not all – to be honest.
The game is so powerful that most are trapped in some aspect of the game of the fantasy, of consciousness, of the false identity of the false being-the false self.

Wake up to Roar

It is up to you if you want to get out of that web, of those traps, of those chains and of those false notions of something that according to It Is, when it has never been what it pretends to be.
And that's why you're here, that's why you exist, you don't exist for anything else.
The rest is been experienced by your body, your mind, and the senses. But you are here for something else, now, you honor that thing for which you really exist and by which it’s been created such a powerful game of experimentation -to put it in one way-, and you discover the One behind all experience and the Witness behind all experience and that is why you are really here, you are not for anything else, and you are here to discover it now, not tomorrow.
Leave ‘tomorrow’ for those who don't want to know who they are.
Leave the ‘after a while’ for those who still want to continue being slaves of the senses.”

- Sarkhan
Satsang A New Beginning/ Total Surrender - January 01, 2023

Wake up to Roar


“Things are not presented to the Self.

People say:

“I am flowing with life.” Lie! You are in fantasy.

“I am flowing with what is presented” Fancy! 

You are not in The Awakening game. 

You are playing a game of the senses, of unfinished desires, and by simply continuing to play the game of imagination, you are not playing the game of Awakening. 

The Game of Awakening is to challenge everything that is presented and to whom it is presented.

And who is that? Who is that in the middle of it all?
Nothing is presented to the Self. That does not exist.
The Self does not see, nor witnesses, nor contemplates, nor flows, nothing, all that does not exist.
If for the Self there is no time, space, consciousness, nothing, none of that exists. So, how then can there be an experience, a perspective that as ‘flow exists’, there is here, there is there? How can all that exist, if all that doesn't even exist in the reality of Being?

Wake up to Roar

So, it means it's fantasy.

It's super obvious!

Do you really want to be always, always, always calm? Don't listen to the I.

Do you want to really discover yourself for who you have always been? Don't identify with that false self.

Do you want to finally find yourself, forcefully and in a real way and that is not a fantasy? Don't pay attention to everything that shows up in front of you.

Nor how you experience yourself in relation to what is presented. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.


Is your quality of life going to change? Sure.

Are you going to feel calmer? Sure.

Are you going to feel fuller? Sure.

Is there going to be more distance? Sure.

All this is going to happen, but it is going to happen, despite you, because your nature is already free of all those conditionings.

Wake up to Roar

That is why as these changes happen, when you experience love, it is not because you experienced it but because you realize that it arises from you, because it is a quality of your infinity. Not because you get it, or because you replicated it or manifested it. No. It already existed in the first instance. You are just acknowledging it as already existing. But it looks like it's new, like it never existed, and that's where the catch is.
Then it's never going to be your new experience for you.
It is impossible!
You are neither new nor old.
It is impossible!
You do not fit into these parameters.”

- Sarkhân 

Satsang February 15, 2023

Wake up to Roar



But I tell you, ultimately, it's not how you react to life's circumstances, or what experience you have in life's circumstances. At some point I commented, for example:

When one begins to play the inner game, one begins to change their interaction with everything, -in your case-, you begin to experience more distance, more neutrality. You see everything or you begin to see it as a game. But that is where the edge, the veil, the subtlety is, right? From what you have commented.

It's more like: it's not totally treated ‘like I don't care' and it's not 'like you care' either, it's a fine mix of neither or both. Where you don't reject but you don't accept either. 

So, there's more openness, there's more willingness, there's more humility, more neutrality, and fewer conclusions or positions that encapsulate the narrative of your interaction with the environment, okay? 

And this happens frequently. It seems to be something that happens very often, when people begin to explore the witness, consciousness, silence, stillness and those things. But after all -what I am saying is-, that whatever experience seems to happen, it is happening to someone, and the key is this.

Wake up to Roar

When something happens to that someone or 'I', that you are very vigilant to 'It' that experiences and positions itself in relation to what is presented, then, suppose something is presented and you are calmer, and you experience yourself quieter, but there is an analysis, there is a comparison that says:

‘I am calmer in relation to what is happening in front of me’,
more neutral in relation to what I notice’,
‘I feel more open in relation to what I notice’.

Of course! You feel more open, because, well, before there was rigidity, and there is that constant comparison, because there is a belief that there is an I or I-ness there, filtering everything. ‘That’ after all is a belief and it is not Reality. 

But that is where the error lies, where you believe that you have a voice and a role in the midst of what is presented, and what is presented based on the interpretation of what is presented. And this triggers what will be the quality of experience that is given to you, then, the quality of experience that is given to you is a very strong one and an obvious indicator that there is someone there, that there is an experiencer, because if there is an experimenter, it is because you can catalog, compare, say, observe or distance yourself. Because there is an experimenter! If there weren't, none of this would happen. 

Until there you follow me?

Yes, what happens is that when it happens, when I perceive things in this way, I don't interact, I don't reflect, I don't analyze it, I don't say it, I don't think about it, you know? It is not something that is:

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'Oh, I just don't realize it'. No, no! It's just a state that you're there perceiving and you see everything as something that happens, it's not that I interpret things, you know?
Sarkhân: No, but there is an ‘I’ or someone that lives or experiences what you are describing to me.
Student: Yes, that is true.
Sarkhân: And ultimately if there is an I there, there is an experiencer. So, who is experiencing things?
Student: Yes, it’s (silence) in a certain way, of course.
Sarkhan: Sure!, and then that experimenter -because he exists- automatically defines his reality in terms of what he perceives, and compares it, -automatically-, it's like is as if: 'the water is wet'.
If there is an 'I', by itself there exists 'something', 'I’m here-you there', 'I here-that there', 'I Am naturally being in relation to that which is not natural to being'. This is because you can only experience yourself in your sense of being. The fictional being or the false self feels natural but it's not natural. And yet, the True Self is the only Real thing you have and it goes unnoticed and is mistaken for the false one.

If you see, there is still an ‘I’ in relation to something else, this is how the false self defines its self-identity. It is the only way it can define what it is, if there is a counterpart.

Wake up to Roar

The only way that you can see yourself in a mirror is that your face first exists and there is a mirror, if not, you could not see your face. Put it another way, if the mirror does not exist but the face exists, there is still a face, and there is a notion that there is a face, but what happens if you remove the face? Nor would the mirror exist, so, a mirror would be of no use.
So, as long as there is someone there, or something there, there will be a there, so that is the key.
Can you describe that state to me, for example, the state is: 'calm, neutral, and with distance', however you want to describe it, -even if it is natural- you are putting it into words, -even nothing happens-, it is related to something else, someone there who is experiencing something in particular. It can be a distance, or call it peace, consciousness, stillness, emptiness, silence... just something, whatever or however you want to describe it, okay?
Student: Yes, so what to do then?
Sarkhân: Curiosity on the following, and the key is this:

The one who notices or experiences, what makes it up?, how does it exist?, how does it arise?, where does it arise from?, how is it that it simply... occurs? 

Bingo, of course! From where does one come from? Where does awareness come from? 

And this does not require time, this is simply Now. 

Wake up to Roar

And if you pay attention, 'that' thing that arises is something made up of memory, of the past, of notions, of concepts which they surround it, and it is cataloged in relation to a comparison of something that was learned in the past.

In the absence of all that exists from the past, there is Absolute Void.

But if there is a ‘me’ with something, that is a memory, a story, something that was concluded as if it were YOU.

That 'I' or 'I amness' at some point one believed to be that one.

Because not all the time in this life was like this, there was a long period of time where that ‘I’ did not exist, nor did the ‘I-amness’ existed.

There was more a no-thing. And suddenly it came up.

And of course, it arose at some point, which is already past, it is dead, it has no meaning. 

All the things that are presented -however they are presented-, are key for you to shred, begin to unravel all that fabric of beliefs and ideas that according to make up or are happening to someone. 

But it is up to you how you discover it, in which places you have given so much strength to it and it is up to you to free yourself from them.

Because I tell you, ultimately, the gift is not what is presented, nor is the gift how you experience what is presented, because you can tell me: 'of course, such a thing is presented, and I feel calmer'. Ultimately, it is irrelevant how you experience yourself, why? Because ultimately the key is: a light bulb has to be turned on, that there is someone who experiences things.

Wake up to Roar

Of course, I can say: I feel at peace, calm, happy, but ultimately how you feel, or how you experience life, is irrelevant, because that is what ultimately has to disappear.

And since 'that I' is the one that has to disappear, -in terms of the truth-, it is irrelevant how he perceives his own mirage, his own fantasy.

So, when you perceive, for example: life, and you experience yourself as more neutral or calmer, great! But, after all, the invitation is not for you to feel better or calmer or to feel more at peace or happy, so is irrelevant how one feels.

What is important is: How do you wake up from the mirage of that ‘I' that is constantly filtering everything through feelings, sensations, etc.?

Because that is a whirlpool with no way out, it comes and goes, it is total chaos, sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad, sometimes it is happy, sometimes it is sad, sometimes it is clear and sometimes it is not clear, sometimes you feel one with something and sometimes you don't, sometimes you are aware and sometimes you are not, etc.

And this is something that will never, never end, because that is mirage, up-down and polarities. Duality, maya, illusion, pure ego.

If you want to be constantly in a full calm state, free from all notions, one has to be free from that fantasy.

And the only fantasy that prevents one from entering the Fullness of Being is not to break with the fantasy of the false self, the I - Iness."

- Sarkhan / Spanish Satsang - February

Wake up to Roar


“The game of the senses, consciousness and perception, leave that game to everyone else. Each one has the right to play the game that each one wants, and they are entitled to it.

But if you are here, I consider you as: you are ready, fed up, tired or wanting to simply explore something deeper that your heart has been asking for, longing and demanding for a long time.
And only people who are ready for that Game get here. And those who aren't ready, what do you think? Obviously, they don't get here or they run away or they leave, because that's the way this game is, the ego wins, it has won and it will continue to live.
This is the game, so strong, that of duality and separation.
The strongest, the most complex is the one that has apparently given unity, when it continues to promote separation, and that is the most difficult to get out of and the most difficult to recognize that it is so, like that one where one has fallen into the jaws of ignorance, at the most subtle and complex levels of recognition, and yet that is the game.

But there is something, -I have told my students-, there is something, -I understand that the game is powerful, duality and fantasy and ignorance are very powerful-, but the real Witness is more powerful than what is contemplated.
And He who contemplates it does not see ignorance, he sees potentiality in itself.

Wake up to Roar

And in that instant where multiplicity apparently exists, there is only an infinite expression of love.
So, it depends from which lens you look at it, if you look at it from the individual, from the self, from the ego, from the I am, obviously there is the you, the tomorrow, the here, the now, yesterday, there, was, he will be... mind, intellect, concepts, feelings, ideas, history, processes, mechanics, techniques, healing, past lives, future lives and the whole game of multiplicity was exposed thanks to the existence of a self. Because only if there is an I can there be a you, a here, a there, an inside, an outside.
But if there is no I, if there is no you, if there is no here, if there is no there, if there is no inside, if there is no outside, if there is no nothing… absolutely nothing, then it is obvious that What remains is unique, alone and complete, and that is the Reality of Being, of the Absolute, and that is YOU.
Anything less than that is ego, fantasy and duality.
And somewhere the ego is taking over, running the show.
It depends on you if you want to continue letting the ego continue to rule your life, -even if you think not-, until it is completely presented and the veil is fully broken and the Self is revealed as the only one that has always been, contemplating its own potentiality, there is a place where the ego has seized the reins in some concept, in some desire, in some interpretation, how it has to be seen, how it has to feel, what has happened, what is happening. Somewhere, that me, that little ghost, has clung to something so fiercely, with such intensity, with such impetus, that obviously reality is fragmented, divided and inked with that belief or desire not yet transcended.

Wake up to Roar

That's why the game here, my intention is that you see it, understand it, clarify it, that you don't stay, that you don't allow yourself to stay in not knowing Who You Are.

Because you can leave this life without knowing it or you can stay in this life believing that you know, and both are the same. There is no difference between not knowing and believing that you know, total ignorance, total loss in sensory fantasies.
Here is that you challenge, that you discover yourself, that you challenge yourself, that you go as deep as possible.
That you discover your true essence and when the knot is broken, -the cosmic knot of a claim that you are not-, you will discover Who You have always been in a natural, simple and very obvious way.
But you've got to figure it out, you've got to really want to figure it out and then open up to what It's going to look like.
What does It mean, what is It about, investigate, inquire, clarify, understand, challenge, question, see, not remain unconscious with blind angles.
That you understand yourself at a deeper level, don't stay at a superficial level, don't keep what people said about you, don't keep what your loved ones have told you about yourself, don't keep what you have believed about yourself, do not stay with some aspects of a version of you.

Wake up to Roar

Get to know yourself, see where you have believed something that has nothing to do with you. In what places are you assuming things that are real that are not real. Know, investigate, understand, whatever you have to do to break the chains of the ego and realize the naturalness of Being, of existing and of the Self. Being That which you have always been, being That which Is, being That which Is the Being Itself.

There are very simple ways to find out.

And the most fascinating! In the simplest is the greatest challenge, because we have believed, we have grown complicating everything, believing everything, naive! obviously.

We grew up in a world where we were naive, of course, and believed everything we were told and presented: 'you are this', 'you are that', 'do this', 'do that', 'happiness is here', ' love is here'...

And we have believed, believed, believed; blind, naive, because obviously we came into this world without knowing.

Because if we had come into this world knowing, we would not fall for the lie. You let thoughts pass, you let beliefs pass, you ignore whatever people tell you, because you know that they come from a place of unconsciousness and incomprehension and you don't let them affect you, they do not disturb your gaze, they do not disturb your Reality and it is clear from where you live and Who You Are.

But it hasn't been that way for most of us.

Wake up to Roar

Most of us as children, from experience, let ourselves be carried away by our loved ones, we let ourselves be carried away by our referents, and we believed what they told us, because they had... -obviously by being a referent-, you lean on those pillars that they are important for your development, for your experience.

But there comes a point where all that, everything that has been external to you, comes a point where you realize that everything is designed to confuse you, everything, absolutely everything.

Everything that is happening in front of you is designed to hypnotize you.

And it's up to you to get out of that hypnosis.

Stop believing everything that happens in front of you as if it has something of value to give, in relation to who you are.

Nothing that is in front of you can say in the slightest the Totality of Who You Are.

Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Even if you put it all together at the same time, it is totally insignificant compared to the True Witness of creation.

If you put together all of creation and the absence of all of creation, that is minimal in comparison to the true, the True Self.

Then, unbelievable! Even everything that is happening in front of you, even if you take it all at the same time, cannot tell who you are.

Wake up to Roar

And that is the only place where you have to have discernment, clarity, to discover the mystery.

So, if nothing that is happening in front of you, and nothing that is happening in front of you can ever reveal who you are, then where does the mirage begin? Where does the discomfort begin? Where does the fantasy begin? Where does the false belief begin that, according to you, you are a body, an individual and that you depend on the elements, on the intellect, on the mind, on consciousness?

At what point -according to you, have you believed-, do you depend on those things, in relation to Who You Are?

These are necessary for other things, but they have nothing to do with your nature.

You have to find out, you have to see it, and you have to clear yourself up.

Take steps towards That, not away from That.

The deeper you go, if the ignorance is greater, there are two gifts there, depending on where they are.

One is: the more ignorance, the more spiritual arrogance, it is much easier to run away and accept and believe that every spiritual, sensory experience that you are having is true, and the fantasy is more and more and more powerful, it is more and more powerful, and for obvious reasons, getting out of it requires an enormous force that is almost impossible to see, to completely break with that mirage.

Wake up to Roar

But it has that gift that if... -that's what happens the deeper you go-, that, if the fantasy is subtler, more sophisticated, more and more and more. But it seems that this is an ingredient in the universe, created just to see who really wants to discover and get out of the cobwebs of duality, and for that purpose it is a fascinating game. It seems that this is requisite. At some point one says: 'there is something here that is still missing, even though my life is complete, happy, healthy, harmonious, there is something that tells me: not yet.'

There is something that says - if you are blessed - that says: here is something else to discover… blessed! Because then you start to create circumstances, things or people that can point you, that can teach you, that can show you where duality has grabbed you by the neck, so that you realize that it was simply a false conclusion of something that has no nothing to do with the Truth, -that you believed to be true- and that simply blocks, blocks, covers.

There is only the Self, the Absolute, the Void, there is nothing else.

Anything that proposes that something else exists is fantasy.

There is only the Self and that is You, it has always been You.

Behind everything, beyond the perceptible, beyond the unimaginable, beyond the experienceable, beyond everything, You have always been there, radiant, complete, joyful.

Now it's... do you want to find out? Do you want to discover yourself as something that does not come and go? Discover yourself as something that does not change, that does not fluctuate, that does not depend on anything, that does not need anything, that has never needed anything, but everything needs That, everything depends on That.

Wake up to Roar

This game is backwards, before one believed that one depends on everything, 'I need this to be happy', 'I need this to live in peace', 'I need this to live in connection', 'I need', 'I need', ' I depend', deficiencies, lacks, faults.

But that's a lie, you don't need anything, you are complete, radiant and everything needs your Presence to exist, because without you nothing would exist.
That's why the question, that's why you have to figure out for yourself, for yourself, who are YOU really, before you believe anything else.
At what point did you think you were the one you take for granted that you are. The one that feels so natural that you have never questioned it, you simply let yourself go, you just believe it because, and the one that defines you, why have you allowed it?, why have you let it prevail or apparently live your life?
Who is that that is living the life you deserve? And that someone else living it YOU ARE NOT”.

- Sarkhan
Satsang A New Beginning/Total Surrender

Wake up to Roar


“Imagine that you are a king or queen of a kingdom, and you go on vacation to explore, I don't know, distant parts of your kingdom, because you want to discover the world, and you leave someone in charge of your kingdom.
Well, the one you left in charge of your kingdom, he is enjoying your kingdom! YOU are not in your kingdom!
There is someone else in your kingdom enjoying your kingdom! And probably the one you left in charge takes advantage of the situation and is experiencing the benefits of being the king of a kingdom, when he is not a king, the King is YOU, the Queen is YOU.
But you left, and you left someone else in charge. You left for so long, that obviously, the one you left in charge, well, he's already changed the guards, changed the rules.
Would you continue to let him continue to rule a kingdom that does not belong to him?
The moment YOU allow the ‘I’ to define you, you are allowing something else, someone else, something else to rule your kingdom.
The moment YOU define yourself as 'I', you are allowing someone else to rule your kingdom.

So how can you say you're living if someone else is living for you?

Wake up to Roar

Your kingdom is everything you contemplate now, and you are not paying attention to it, because there is an I there that disturbs the gaze, that disturbs the level of connection with everything created, that generates distance, that generates, well, distance, separation, false connection.
That is why there is anxiety, that is why there is confusion, that is why there is doubt.
This shows that there is something missing. There is a piece missing from the puzzle and that piece is YOU.
Who are you really?
You are a King, You are a Queen!
As long as the I am-ness exists pretending, assuming, resembling something that is YOU, something else is ruling.
You have to rule your kingdom, find out who YOU are.
Discover your Royalty, your Divinity, your Beauty, your Serenity, your Presence.
Until this happens and you do not recover the reins of your life, of your interior, you have given your throne to someone else.
There have been no good consequences, this has not brought anything good.
Fight, anger, shortcomings, fears, don't allow it!

Wake up to Roar

It is up to you if you want to continue living the fantasy of the senses and the sensory, and the mental, or stop and do whatever is necessary to clarify yourself, to understand, to break the spell.
The spell is I,
the false being is the I-ness,
the I am,
the I exist,
I’m here,
the realizes,
the experimenting,
the seeing,
the noticing,
I get out,
I identify,
I don't identify myself I see,
I do not see.
The one that is constantly the reference of everything.

Me and something, I and something, I and something else is the ghost that constantly pretends to be you and that is the one that rules, the one that blocks.
Find out where it comes from, to whom it comes from, and why it comes from.
Inquire, ask, analyze -if necessary-, contemplate, notice, be curious, see within yourself.

Wake up to Roar

Shed light on those corners that you have not dared to see, that you have allowed them to simply pretend, to rule your house. You have allowed entry to unwanted people, people who disturb your interior, your integrity, your serenity.
Don't let the thought block you, don't let the concept blind you.
Do not allow the sensory aspect of being,
The Am,
the I am,
the I-ness of experience of myself,
I find myself,
I see,
I notice…
keep blocking, keep blinding, keep ruling your life.
What will your intentions be this year?
What do you want to do?
What are you going to explore?
How are you going to play?
Do you want to be free?
Do you want to discover that you are ALREADY Free?
Do you want to continue discovering how you 'think you are'? Still a prisoner of thought and senses?

Because that is simply an appearance, -it does not mean that it is so-, but in the appearance it is experienced as 'so it is'.
How can you start this new cycle, inside the game, to use it to such a degree that it helps you get out of the game?

Wake up to Roar

How do you play this cycle so that it helps you to break with every cycle?

How do you use this intention to explore, to live, to recognize yourself, to discover yourself, -to break with all the fantasy, which tells you that That is not already given, or already done, or already Is-, and discover your place in this game really?

Discover the One who is not subject to the laws of the senses, of creation, of the mind, of the intellect and of consciousness. That which is not governed, nor does it depend on, nor does it need all these little things that I have just said -when all these little things- need That One, who is the Witness of all of them.

How deep do you want to go?

To the degree that you see the deep as a trap, a fantasy that never had anything to do with you, and then, now yes, you enter or realize that you have always been That One, where qualities do not exist, where phenomena do not exist, where happenings do not exist, where definitions do not exist, where reference points do not exist.

How do you realize that you have always been That?

And where That Is, there is nothing but That.

Absolutely alone, there is nothing else but Itself, and in its Self-Ines-ness, there is nothing else than That, without attributes, without qualities, without colors, without forms, without phenomena, without relations, nor objects of perception, nor the perceiver. There is Absolutely Nothing.
Nothing to compare it to, to relate it to, to define it, to relate it to in any way.

Wake up to Roar

So how can you know that something exists, if not through a comparison?

The reality of the Being will never be able to be found, because there has never been anything that has its counterpart.
She has been alone, with the appearance of things and that appearance only exists for those who live within the appearance, not for that place where there is neither appearance, nor objects, nor anything other than the Being itself, -alone- , the true Being. God, the true God!
And that's YOU."

- Sarkhan
Satsang A New Beginning/ Total Surrender

Wake up to Roar


Wake up to Roar


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Wake up to Roar

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Wake up to Roar

Wake up to Roar

"I wish that everything shared can help you awaken to the reality of the Self, the Supreme, the Absolute. That its light goes to the depths of your heart for you to remember your oneness with Truth. There has never been any separation or illusion. You have always been the Light of Lights. Wake up!”

- Sarkân - 

Listen the Roar of your Own Awakening!

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