Yolanda Russo


You can become younger, more vibrant and more attractive version of yourself anytime you decide. It is really up to you. Your genes have very little to do with your destiny. All it takes is walking up an hour earlier in order to spend some time with yourself not the phone, not the email nor the news. Just you and yourself.

During this me time you can meditate, have a cup of coffee on your balcony while listening to birds singing etc.

Meditative Sounds.

You are the creator of your destiny. 
Get rid of negative people from your life 
and a negative news. 

When you feel happy you become a magnet for a better relationship, better job, more opportunities to feel good.

Create a space to be yourself. Follow your inner guide to a happier and healthier you.  

Your heart emits more energy than the brain. 

Someone famous in Source Title

Human beings are a collection of cells-- 50 trillion + cells that are always recycling to make room for more vibrant and healthy cells. 

Our body has an inherent ability to regenerate. Every decade we get new organs. Through healthy lifestyle choices, proper nutrition, and effective skincare routines. 

Skin cells, have a relatively short lifespan and can renew themselves approximately every 2 to 3 weeks. That means with proper care we can reverse the signs of skin aging naturally.

Yet many of us don't take advantage of this genuine gift from Mother Nature. 

Before you get out of bed each morning as soon as you feel just aware that you are awake, with your mind's eye place the attention of something that makes you happy in life. Take a deep breath with a sigh of gratitude for the light shining into your face.

Focus only on the feel good things, people or places. Don't think of anything else at all. Just stay focused for a minute. Take a deep breath and play the "happy movie" in your head for just one more minute. 

Hold that thought for as long as you can and smile. Now tell yourself what would you love to happen today, how happy you are going to be today and everyday from now on. 

This optimistic mindset will set the tone for a great day.  Set the intention now and go about your day. 

Notice at the end of the day how much more relaxed and focused you were throughout the day.

When you first begin this mindfulness practice it might be hard to find something good in the world full of stressful events, but focus on one little thing like the last vacation, birth of a child or your pet who loves you unconditionally. Smile and scan your body feel the aliveness inside of you, try to hear your heartbeat, notice the effortless breath in and out, wiggle your toes while appreciating the feeling of being alive and well. The goal is to become fully present in your body before getting out of bed. Now go ahead and open your eyes and look out of the window to notice the glorious morning sun. Practice this daily intention every day and notice you stress less and small things don't bother you as much. This 5 min exercise will help you reset the mind's program and take you on a new journey. Take a deep breath now and feel more aligned throughout the day.

                                       Think of five things that made you smile today.

Next, without rushing begin your morning skin care routine, while in front of the mirror say hi to yourself and then state your name and say (your name)You Look Beautiful!.

In order for the skin cells to absorb all of the nutritious products you are about to feed them with its best to do this self care routine from a place of love. Your body and mind hears what you say, be good to it and you'll reap the rewards very quickly. This sets the tone for your skin to begin looking more radiant.

Daily Glow-Up Ritual

To begin you need stimulate blood flow to your muscles and oxygenate the skin. Let's  give your body a quick workout. You can run in place, jumping jack or go up and down the stairs a couple of times to get your heartbeat up. 

1. Apply a great cleanser to your skin, be generous and don't rush the process.

2. Rinse off the cleanser and apply a DIY mask you can make from egg yolk, over- ripen avocado or from a yogurt. Wait 2-5 min. Rinse it off. Apply shea butter or face oil to the skin.

3. Place your fingers under the eyes and gently tap back and forth for 30 sec. Very light pressure.

4. Next stimulate the blood flow in your cheeks. Begin on a jawline, you can use three fingers to make big circles all throughout the cheek area. Apply enough pressure that you feel warm and take a deep breath. 1-2 min 

5. Then, cross your hands and place your palms on the neck, run all of the fingers towards the center for 1 min. Make sure you have the cream or an oil on your neck so that the fingers slide on it. You might want to add water to your fingers if it feels like you are tugging the skin. 

6. The last step is intended to relax the forehead muscles. Apply your fingers to your eyebrows and push them up in a straight line 20 times and then across for another 20 sec. Light pressure but repeat this process until you feel good.

Was this simple enough? Be consistent until the routine becomes a habit.

Your skin just received stimulation helping it to flash out the toxins and bring new energy into the tissues. Now it is ready to absorb the nutrients. While the skin is still damp apply your favorite serum and an eye cream. Apply an appropriate moisturizer and sunscreen.

                                Make sure to repeat this process daily.

Daily Glow-Up Ritual

To begin you need stimulate blood flow to your muscles and oxygenate the skin. Let's  give your body a quick workout. You can run in place, jumping jack or go up and down the stairs a couple of times to get your heartbeat up. 

1. Apply a great cleanser to your skin, be generous and don't rush the process.

2. Rinse off the cleanser and apply a DIY mask you can make from egg yolk, over- ripen avocado or from a yogurt. Wait 2-5 min. Rinse it off. Apply shea butter or face oil to the skin.

3. Place your fingers under the eyes and gently tap back and forth for 30 sec. Very light pressure.

4. Next stimulate the blood flow in your cheeks. Begin on a jawline, you can use three fingers to make big circles all throughout the cheek area. Apply enough pressure that you feel warm and take a deep breath. 1-2 min 

5. Then, cross your hands and place your palms on the neck, run all of the fingers towards the center for 1 min. Make sure you have the cream or an oil on your neck so that the fingers slide on it. You might want to add water to your fingers if it feels like you are tugging the skin. 

6. The last step is intended to relax the forehead muscles. Apply your fingers to your eyebrows and push them up in a straight line 20 times and then across for another 20 sec. Light pressure but repeat this process until you feel good.

Was this simple enough? Be consistent until the routine becomes a habit.

Your skin just received stimulation helping it to flash out the toxins and bring new energy into the tissues. Now it is ready to absorb the nutrients. While the skin is still damp apply your favorite serum and an eye cream. Apply an appropriate moisturizer and sunscreen.

The skin should be warm to touch and it should look better each time you do this self care routine. It is rewarding to know that you are in control of your skin aging.  The muscles of the face are connected to the skin, therefore when you give yourself a 5-10 min workout--you'll look good. You can now remove the products from the skin with a toner.

UYounger Routine

Beauty became "overcomplicated" and I am here to simplify it. This easy to follow workbook is a starting point for you to begin you journey to younger and more glowing skin naturally. 
Beauty On Command Natural Facelift Method helps to tone and re-shape the face just as the gym tones our body. This natural approach looks at the skin from a completely different angle. Yolanda believes that the skin is not separate from your Body and Mind, in fact it is a part of it. 

YOLANDA RUSSO, holistic skin care expert, well-being advocate and creator of Beauty On Command Natural Facelifting Training. She has been changing lives of women for the past 20 years making them look and feel younger regardless of their age. 
Yolanda offers practical tips on how easy it is to implement the daily face massage into a cleansing routine to combat signs of skin aging naturally.
You can find Yolanda on FB https://www.facebook.com/UYounger


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