The Mystery Behind The Story

Song of Songs
Bible Bite 1


Our Text ...

Sng 1:1 The song of songs, which is Solomon's. The Bride Confesses Her Love Sng 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—For your love is better than wine. 
Sng 1:3 Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, Your name is ointment poured forth; Therefore the virgins love you. Sng 1:4 Draw me away!

Song of Songs implies the greatest song! 

This is because this is no ordinary song. Like all of scripture, it is God inspired. Divinely breathed (2 Tim :16 - See Strong's Concordance). 

God takes an earthly love story, born of fallen flesh, on the surface, but breathes into this story,  turning water, as it were, into wine! God reveals mysteries about Himself, to those whose eyes He opens.

Do you want that? God to open your eyes?

Luk 11:9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 

Sng 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—For your love is better than wine.

This is an intimate kiss for sure. But, in the spirit, this is not a kiss in the flesh! Consider a kiss from Yeshua. What would that look and feel like? It is He who wants to kiss you with the kisses of His mouth, so that His Word, even these words, are not just words to you, but spirit and life.

Jhn 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

He wants His words to turn from water into wine for you, becoming what are referred to as RHEMA WORDS. The kind that reach to the depths of your spirit and capture your heart. Deep calling unto deep.

Yeshua turned water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. He can turn the words from scripture, from dead letter, into revelations, like kisses from His mouth, that are "better than wine!" 

Scripture reveals how special this wine is! From the Hebrew, we discover that it is effervescent wine. Champagne! Those bubbles will go straight to your head giving you that light and happy feeling. They will intoxicate you quickly, filling you with joyful peace. Is this what you want?

Who would not want even an audience with a King or a president or some other celebrity. But this is the King of Kings, who is offering you an audience!  

This is what the Shulamite says of Solomon's love. It is intoxicating. Solomon, whose name means peace. Note: He is the son of David! So he was a prince. and  After his coronation at the River Gihon, he rides into Jerusalem, to a cheering crowd, on His father David's mulr, as they welcome the new King. Now let us look at Yeshua.   

Solomon is a type of Yeshua, the Prince of Peace, who rides into Jersualem on a donkey to the shouts of the people. They are waving palms and shouting Hozanna, because in that moment they are seeing, that this really is the Messiah. He is the King who is coming to save them.

God wants us to understand the mysteries of God, and experience our own revelations from his living word. He wants to give us much more than most have even considered!

His name, says the Shulamite, is as ointment or (again from the Hebrew) as "perfume poured forth." 

2Co 2:14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

Finally, we read that this is why the maindens love Solomon. The words of his mouth intoxicate. His very name carries fragrance.  And of course, this is why, the virgins, (the pure in heart) love Yeshua the Messiah. His words are spirit and life! Those who seek and find His presence, learn, the richness of His words. They hear His voice through them. It intoxicates like champagne and His fragrance lingers through their days.

Draw me away says the Shulamite. (Well in the flesh, I guess the Shulamite wants to be alone with Solomon.) But scripture interpreting scripture, tells us that God wants to draw us.

Jhn 6:44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.

So take a tip from the Shulamite. Ask Him to draw you away. Show some persistance. Any girl who wants a man will do that. Can we not do it for the God who created us? For thousands of years, men have chosen idols, of gold and silver, who cannot even speak, over Him! Over the one who created the earth and everything in it. Who  surrounded it with billions of stars. Who made a paradise. A beautiful garden for man to live in. A world of flowers, animals, fish, birds and every creeping thing. Then He bent down and lovingly formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed His own Spirit into the man that he may live in that paradise. Only one command. Do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil! Let us now honour that, and bring Him and ourselves joy!

Thank you for joining me in the bible bite. May you go forward in His grace and blessing. 

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The related song is from a musical I took to the UK in 1989 - 
Access the Song of Songs album and then look for the track:

Please note that information is shown on the album page to show you  how to navigate to the lyrics, while you listen.

Let Him Kiss Me

I hope you found the message helpful. 

I want to make clear that I do not see myself as a teacher, but rather as one encouraging you to study. Nor do I claim to be infallible in the scriptures that I   comment on.  I do my best to study to show myself approved, as scripture requires of us all, and when I find something I feel worthy of sharing, I seek His help, and do my best to share His Word with you. But please test everything.  

Scripture teaches that Yeshua, our Messiah and Saviour is our true Rabbi / Teacher. When we study, we should look to Him,  What a privilege to  have the WORD made flesh, as our teacher.  

I  encourage you to do this same. Share what you can with others. HIS WORD WILL NEVER RETURN VOID. 

In His love


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