A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan


Sean Breslin


A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

The information provided in this plan/report is for educational and informational purposes only. While efforts have been made to accurately represent the potential earnings and outcomes of the strategies discussed, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this material.

Earning potential is entirely dependent on the individual using our product, ideas, techniques, and the effort put forth. We do not purport this as a "get rich scheme." Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in this plan/report plan/report depends on various factors, such as your skills, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, and financial situation, to name a few.

Since these factors differ among individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

Any forward-looking statements outlined in this plan/report are simply our opinions and thus should not be interpreted as promises or guarantees of actual earnings.

Your success or failure depends on your own actions, your ability to follow instructions, and your own financial and personal circumstances. You are responsible for your own actions and decisions regarding any products or services discussed in this plan/report.

By reading this plan/report, you acknowledge that we are not liable for any loss or damage that may occur as a result of your use of the information provided herein. Affiliate links in the report will pay a commission if you like the recommendations and upgrade. Affiliate Marketing.

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

This Project is about You.

But it will help you, to know a bit about me and where I’m coming from. Also what set me thinking about this plan!

And how ChatGPT agrees that it is realistic, possible, and doable!

There is a very experienced marketer who I follow and communicate via email with.

As one of his subscribers and group members. I buy most of his stuff. Knowledge is important, and so are ideas.

Learning from other people does sparks ideas!

My idea is a variation of one of his. I know from experience how expensive Internet Marketing can be. There are costs, which are a barrier, that can stop people from starting a “Side Hustle” for want of a better phrase, or a “Home Based Business”.

To be fair some of the costs are not so bad, it is when you start adding them all together that, things get costly. Month in and month out, it all adds up!

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

Seven Essential Elements of Any Successful Business

A person sitting at a desk with a piggy bank and a computer

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  1. Domain name
  2. Site Hosting
  3. Private Domain Email
  4. Email Autoresponder
  5. Funnel Builder
  6. Education
  7. How do you Market and Promote Your Business?

Above is a list of Seven absolutely, essential Elements. 1 to 5 covers the technical side of things. 6 and 7 are just as important.

Let's imagine you have the first 5 set up; Now what?

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

Without the knowledge of 6 and 7, it is pointless. You need a plan. If you are reading this and you have some experience. You know that there are tools and traffic methods that add to the cost of running a home-based business. You realise that the Internet is an ever-changing business environment and you have to learn and grow as a marketer to be relevant and of value to your subscribers and customer base.

I’m sure you are also aware that time and effort. i.e. That, doing the work, spending the hours and not the money is an alternative.

I’m writing this from the view point that money is tight, so how can someone get started online promoting quality products for for as close to nothing as it gets?

A person wearing glasses and a suit

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An unavoidable cost that I have encountered so far relates to email delivery. Due to DKIM and Dmarc.

Systeme recommended/advised having a domain and domain email address will increase deliverability rates, the new rules make it compulsory. Many readers may already have a domain and email address?

Having them is highly recommended for your long-term success anyway. So no harm, no foul there! If I encounter more I will add them to this report. If you hosted the domain on their system? Just take care of the DNS settings for email. Their support will help and advise.

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

The Plan:

Right if you are still reading that means I have your attention. My name is Sean Breslin, and this is stage 1 of a plan that I am putting into effect.

Now I have upgraded in both programs for this Stage 1 of a plan that is growing and getting better 😊

That was a choice not a requirement of the plan, but it does help profitability.

People who take action and who join my list, may, be in for a pleasant surprise. Time will tell. This plan has possibilities!  No promises!

Words of Warning! Time Sensitive!!

There are time issues on the plan, lets deal with them now.

Systeme.io At the time of writing this, systeme.io has a free forever option.

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

That is brilliant, but look at the graphic, above.

I have drawn a very shaky arrow around the key point here.

Grab it Now Before it’s Gone!

If that isn’t a brilliant offer then I don’t know what is? Look at what is there!

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

Look up any of those products listed above and you will see the kind of savings Systeme.io offers! There is more too it. We will go into that later.

Part 2: Again, Time Sensitive!

This is what I mean by time sensitive. If you click this link here.

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

If you see a webinar. That means there is a cost to join the program, because it is still in pre-launch mode and early backers (Platinum Members) are joining. If it is in your budget to join?

I obviously recommend you do. Because it is an amazing system that is long overdue for affiliate marketing in my view. The free level begins (began) around the 2nd of April.

If you see a lead capture page. That means that the free level of membership is now active and the free membership pays a commission on any referrals you make.

MAP or Master Affiliate Profits Will teach you effective Marketing and Traffic generating methods so you can promote your offers effectively.

Let’s see what ChatGPT has to say about this plan?

With some secret sauce, I asked ChatGPT… Can you



I need your brains Chat :)



A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

I'm here for you! What do you need help with?



I have an idea, there is a program online called system.io there is another one called masteraffiliateprofits.com. The first is free for now. the second will have a free tier around April the 2nd. After you have looked at them. Could people make money promoting free products. Using the free products they are actually promoting?



Yes, promoting free products using the platforms you mentioned, such as Systeme.io, can be a viable way to make money.

Systeme.io offers a comprehensive suite of tools that allow users to build sales funnels, manage email marketing, create websites, run affiliate programs, automate business processes, host webinars, and sell products online​​. This platform's capabilities mean that you could effectively use it to promote products, including free ones, by creating engaging content, capturing leads, and automating follow-ups.

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

Furthermore, Systeme.io has a built-in affiliate management system, allowing you to create an affiliate program for your products or services easily. This feature automatically makes all your subscribers potential affiliates, providing them with an affiliate ID they can use to promote your products and earn commissions​​.

Given that the platform offers a free plan that includes most of its key features, it's entirely feasible to start promoting products at no initial cost. The free plan of Systeme.io includes the ability to send unlimited emails, create a blog, build up to three sales funnels, and much more, all of which can be utilized to promote free products effectively​​.

As for MasterAffiliateProfits.com, if it follows a similar model and will introduce a free tier, you could leverage both platforms to maximize your reach and effectiveness in affiliate marketing.

The strategy to make money by promoting free products typically revolves around the concept of offering value to your audience through these free products and then monetizing that audience either through upselling additional services or products, affiliate marketing, or advertisements.

By using tools like Systeme.io, you can build a robust online presence to attract and engage with your audience, thereby creating opportunities to monetize that engagement.

Right back to me for now. The mention of creating an affiliate program in that ChatGPT text is obviously for any product you may create in the future, if you go down that road one day?

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

Can you see the power of this? This is a very low cost and appealing business plan for generating long term commissions that could potentially build up over years. Once it is all set up, just keep pushing traffic towards it, and it teaches you how to do that. Plus, it gives you the tools to do it.

Back to ChatGPT:


Now Chat, you are an internet marketer. A good one by the way, with a calm manner and a quiet sense of humour in the way you write. Please produce a report/ebook on the above plan and leave a hint of better things to come, once plan A is up and running!



Maximizing Free Products for Profit: A Guide to Internet Marketing Mastery


A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

In the bustling world of internet marketing, where competition is fierce and attention spans are short, the quest for a golden strategy remains paramount. Welcome, intrepid marketer, to your blueprint for success. Within these pages lies not just a strategy, but a comprehensive approach to leveraging free products in a way that not only engages your audience but also opens the door to profitability. With a calm demeanor and a sprinkle of humor, let's embark on this journey together.

Chapter 1: The Power of Free

Why do free products captivate our attention? The psychology of "free" taps into a universal desire for gain without loss. This chapter delves into how offering free products can serve as the cornerstone of your marketing strategy, creating a funnel that draws in potential customers.

Chapter 2: Selecting Your Arsenal - Systeme.io

Enter Systeme.io, a robust platform that offers everything you need to turn the concept of free into a profitable venture. From building captivating sales funnels to managing effective email campaigns, Systeme.io's suite of tools is designed to streamline your marketing efforts. Discover how to utilize its features to maximize your outreach and conversion rates without spending a dime.

Chapter 3: Crafting Your Offer

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

What makes a free offer irresistible? This section guides you through selecting products that promise value, ensuring your audience feels they've stumbled upon something truly special. Learn to create offers that not only attract but also retain customer interest, setting the stage for future sales.

Chapter 4: The Art of Promotion

Promotion is where the magic happens. Learn to navigate the nuances of digital marketing to spread the word about your free products effectively. This chapter covers the essentials of SEO, social media marketing, and content creation, helping you to craft messages that resonate and engage.

Chapter 5: Building Relationships Through Automation

With Systeme.io, automation becomes your silent partner in success. Explore how to automate communications, follow-ups, and even product delivery, ensuring a seamless experience for your audience. This chapter emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships with your subscribers, turning initial interest into long-term loyalty.

Chapter 6: Beyond Free - Monetizing Your Audience

Free is the hook, but the real goal is profitability. Uncover strategies for upselling, affiliate marketing, and creating premium offers that your now-engaged audience will be eager to explore. This section provides a roadmap for gradually introducing paid products in a way that feels natural and value-driven.

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

Conclusion: What Lies Beyond

As you implement these strategies, remember that the world of internet marketing is ever-evolving. This guide is not just a plan but a foundation upon which to build and innovate. With Systeme.io at your helm and a keen understanding of your audience, the possibilities are limitless.

Stay tuned for more insights, strategies, and tools to elevate your journey from marketer to master. The path ahead is bright, and this is just the beginning.


To the dreamers, the doers, and every marketer in between - this is for you. May your ventures be fruitful and your spirit undeterred.

Crafting this guide, we've embarked on a narrative that not only outlines a tangible plan for leveraging free products for profit but also teases the potential for growth and expansion. With Systeme.io as a featured tool, we've explored various facets of internet marketing, from the psychological appeal of "free" to the strategic implementation of automated systems. As our journey continues beyond the pages of this guide, the hint of "better things to come" promises a future filled with innovation, learning, and success.



Thank you, Chat. You've given me something to work with!

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan



I'm glad to hear that! If you have any more questions or need further assistance as you work on your plan, feel free to ask. Best of luck with your internet marketing endeavours!



Thank you, now as a master marketer, you create a squeeze or capture page to tempt people to read your report. Please give me 3 examples of the text you would use?



Certainly! Here are three examples of text for a squeeze or capture page designed to entice people into reading the report "Maximizing Free Products for Profit: A Guide to Internet Marketing Mastery":

Example 1: Unlock the Secrets to Profit

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

"Discover the Hidden Potential of Free Products! 🌟 Unlock our exclusive report, 'Maximizing Free Products for Profit,' and learn how to transform no-cost offers into a revenue stream that works for you. Inside, you'll find expert insights, step-by-step strategies, and the untapped power of tools like Systeme.io. Your journey to mastery begins here. Sign up now to get started!"

Example 2: Transform Your Marketing Strategy

"Are You Ready to Revolutionize Your Marketing? 🔥 Dive into our groundbreaking report, 'Maximizing Free Products for Profit,' and master the art of leveraging freebies for your business's growth. From crafting irresistible offers to automating your success with Systeme.io, this guide is your roadmap to turning potential into profit. Enter your email to receive your free copy and unlock the next level of marketing excellence."

Example 3: Elevate Your Online Presence

"Step Into the Future of Internet Marketing 🚀 with our comprehensive guide, 'Maximizing Free Products for Profit.' Learn how to captivate your audience, build lasting relationships, and monetize effectively using the power of free products. Featuring expert advice and insider tips on using Systeme.io to its fullest potential, this report is your key to unlocking a world of opportunities. Subscribe now and start your journey to becoming a marketing master."

Each of these examples is designed to create intrigue and highlight the value that the report offers, encouraging visitors to provide their email address in exchange for access to the insights contained within.

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

I then went to a ChatGPT that I created and fed some prompts, which you are free to use for MAP-related stuff.

This was my question (Which I got wrong… But keep reading for the correct, question).


MAP Maven

Absolutely! The Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) program offers an attractive commission structure that rewards members, including those on the future paid plans. Here’s the scoop: When you’re on a paid plan with MAP, you unlock the potential to earn higher commissions from sales generated through your affiliate links. This structure is designed to incentivize and reward affiliates who are committed to promoting the program and bringing in new customers.

The beauty of the MAP commission system lies in its scalability. The more sales you generate, the more you stand to earn. This tiered commission model means your earning potential grows alongside your marketing efforts. Plus, MAP’s unique features, like hard-coded referrals, ensure that your leads remain yours, securing your commissions long-term.

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

For affiliates keen on maximizing their earnings, joining a future paid plan within MAP is a strategic move. Not only does it open up higher commission rates, but it also provides access to premium tools and resources designed to boost your marketing effectiveness. These tools include advanced analytics, marketing materials, and specialized training sessions tailored to help you refine your strategy and engage your audience more effectively.

So, if you'r’ ready to elevate your affiliate marketing game and enjoy the perks of higher commission rates, joining a paid plan within MAP is a fantastic opportunity. It's’a chance to invest in your growth as a marketer and reap the rewards of your hard work. Remember, success in affiliate marketing comes from dedication, innovation, and leveraging the right opportunities—MAP’s future paid plans offer just that.

Ready to take your affiliate marketing to the next level? Join the MAP program today and unlock your potential for higher earnings and access to unparalleled support and tools for success. Let’s make your marketing journey not just profitable, but truly rewarding!



Sorry Maven, I meant to ask if someone is on a free plan. Will they be paid a commission for sales

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan


MAP Maven

Absolutely, if you'r’ on a free plan with the Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) program, you still earn commissions on sales! Here's’the lowdown: Being part of MAP, even on the free tier, means you'r’ set up to start earning right off the bat. While the commission rates may vary between the free and paid plans, with the free plan, you'r’ definitely in a position to generate income through your affiliate marketing efforts.

What's’great about MAP is that it's’designed to support your growth at every stage. Starting with the free plan is an excellent way to dip your toes into affiliate marketing without upfront investment. You'l’ have access to essential tools and resources to kick-start your journey, from promotional materials to tracking capabilities, ensuring you can effectively market and earn commissions.

Here's the kicker: As you begin to see success and understand the ins and outs of affiliate marketing, upgrading to a paid plan becomes an attractive next step. The paid plans offer higher commission rates, more sophisticated marketing tools, and additional resources to help you scale your efforts. However, there's’no rush—the free plan remains a valuable platform for building your foundation and earning commissions.

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

Earning commissions on the free plan is a testament to MAP's’commitment to supporting affiliates at all levels. It's’about providing an accessible pathway to success for everyone, regardless of their initial investment capacity. Plus, MAP’s hard-coded referrals mean that the efforts you put in today continue to reward you in the future, safeguarding your potential earnings.

So, if you'r’ starting with the free plan, rest assured, your efforts are valued, and your potential to earn is real. Embrace the journey, utilize the resources available, and when you'r’ ready, consider how a paid plan could amplify your success.

Thinking of starting your affiliate marketing journey? Joining MAP on a free plan is a fantastic way to begin, offering you the opportunity to earn while you learn. Dive in, start promoting, and watch your efforts turn into earnings. Ready, set, affiliate!

Back to me now: I’ve set up a ChatGPT that has a MAP master affiliate Profits set of info in it that may help you. I will mention that in emails.

Chat is good for prompts and content ideas. Nothing beats writing stuff yourself though.

I’m sure you picked up on the quality of the GPT writing.

There is more that I could write, but why hammer the point. These are two great programs.

I really hope you see the value here, also and that I see you in MAP and Systeme in their relevant Facebook pages, maybe we’ll start our own?

A Low-Cost High Value Business Plan

Let’s rock these programs together! There is genuine value in both products. They are a solid foundation on which to build an Internet business.

They go together like bread and butter.

All the very best for your Internet Marketing Journey. Thank you for reading.

Sean Breslin.

Any comments? Visit the site and let me know.

I Hope to See YOU in the Facebook Groups That Both Programs Have.
It Would Be Great To Connect!