Spiritual Tools for the 21st Century

Michael Love

The Twelve

Twelve Rays Overview

Michael Love

3615 Esther Street

Indian Trail, NC 28079



Twelve Rays Overview - Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved

Twelve Rays Overview


The Twelve Rays are part of a new understanding of spirituality. A spirituality that is not restricted to a particular label like Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim, or Buddhist, etc. or a particular location like a church, a temple, or a mosque. This new spirituality is not something we do, but rather something that we are. It is personal and not restricted to one size fits all.

When Americans are asked to check a box indicating their religious affiliation, 28% now check 'none.' A new study from Pew Research finds that the religiously unaffiliated – a group comprised of atheists, agnostic and those who say their religion is "nothing in particular" – is now the largest cohort in the U.S. They're more prevalent among American adults than Catholics (23%) or evangelical Protestants (24%).

More and more individuals are seeking a personal connection with the Divine. While the establishment of that Divine connection was once seen as being only achievable through years and years of spiritual training most notably through meditation, new avenues have opened up that offer similar opportunities to experience that Divine connection.

Advances in modern medicine have increased the survival rates of individuals with life-threatening health conditions. Not surprisingly, there are more reported cases of near-death experiences (NDEs) where individuals experience a similar Divine connection. Research and experimentation with psychedelic drugs like LSD, mescaline, and peyote, have also resulted in an increase of reported Divine connections. I believe the Twelve Rays also offer a roadmap to experiencing a Divine connection.

Twelve Rays Overview

The Twelve Rays are tools for spiritual growth that come directly from Source, or All that Is, or God. I prefer to use the term Source. Feel free to swap my use of Source with a label that you feel comfortable with. After all, it is just a label. The Twelve Rays are all about connection. They help us to claim our Divine Heritage as children of God. They remind us of our connection to that part of our being that exists in other dimensions. They help us to break through the illusion of separation and experience our Divine Connection. The higher Rays, particularly Rays Eleven and Twelve open us to New Awareness. And that New Awareness includes the realization that we are multidimensional beings having this human experience while having always been connected to our higher or whole selves in another dimension.

Our Divine Heritage

As a human adult, I stand 6 feet 3 inches tall. My two older brothers are just as tall. One is even taller. My eyes are blue, and the color of my skin is white. My familial ancestors come from Scotland and Ireland. I look the way I do because of my parents. They passed on their genes to me, and I passed them on to my children. All three of them had blonde hair as babies, a gift they got from their mother’s side of the gene pool.

We are multidimensional, spiritual beings. We were created by some form of intelligence that is beyond our human ability to fully perceive and understand. As spiritual beings we received certain attributes of our Creator. Think of them as spiritual genes. The first is the ability to create. We create using thought. Everything that was ever created started out as a thought first. A second attribute of the Creator that we inherited was love. Love is the most powerful energy that is available to us. It surrounds and comforts us in our native environment and it connects us all to each other. And with that love comes a wisdom that guides us in our actions. The third attribute that we inherited from our Creator is the ability to manifest, to make real anything that we choose to create. In our natural environment, all we need to do is think of something and it becomes real. How different that environment is from our current earthly home.

Twelve Rays Overview

As human beings it is difficult to think of ourselves as multidimensional beings. We see ourselves as separate from everyone else. This is an illusion, but it is an illusion with great purpose. We come to this third dimension, to this planet Earth, to experience a contrast to our native environment. In this dimension, creation does not take place instantaneously. It takes place over time. We create with matter which is light that has been slowed down. We need to keep our thoughts focused on whatever it is that we wish to create. It is through focused thought that our goals turn into reality.

As we use this process of creation in our dense third dimension, we perfect our skills as creators. We observe how our creations progress over time. This allows us to better understand the creation process. With experience, we are able to become masters of creation in this third dimension. Fortunately, we are given energetic tools to help us create in this dimension. They are called the Twelve Rays.

Twelve Rays Overview

The Rays of Aspect

The first, three Rays are referred to as the Rays of Aspect. What are they aspects of? They are aspects of the Creator. The First Ray is called Divine Will. The Second Ray is Love and Wisdom. The Third Ray is the Ray of Active Intelligence.

My current definition of Divine Will is not that same as I learned growing up. I now understand Divine Will to mean that the Creator has given us the ability to also create. The Creator more or less got the ball rolling and then empowered us, its creations, to continue the process. I like to say that the Creator’s creations continue creating. This feels very empowering to me.

I know it is very hard to imagine that we are imbued with the same traits the Creator has. I mean just take a look around. But those traits are indeed inside us, and we do quite legitimately have the potential to create heaven on Earth. The key is being able to see the divinity in yourself first and then in everyone else.

The Second Ray is the Ray of Love and Wisdom. We are all blessed with the ability to love. Wisdom is a little bit trickier. It generally takes some time to develop wisdom.

The Third Ray is called Active Intelligence. The Law of Attraction is part of this Ray’s energy. Here is how they are connected. Consciousness exists throughout the universe. Energy has consciousness. This Ray helps us to use our minds to actively direct energy to such an extent that it manifests as matter. When we focus our intention on what we desire to manifest, this is where the Law of Attraction kicks in and enables our desires to manifest. Actively using the Third Ray intensifies the effect of our intentions.

Twelve Rays Overview

It is important to note that these aspects are very similar to the three aspects of God that are described in the Christian Trinity. God the father is the Creator. The Son is the embodiment of love and wisdom. And the Holy Spirit is the energy of manifestation. The main difference is that we can draw these aspects of Source into our being. These are part of our Spiritual Heritage. And they are available to us in all the dimensions, not just here in this third dimension.

The First Ray – Divine Will

Creativity helps us to find the medium for self-expression . We can do that through images, through sound, through words, through movement. Is there a limit to how we can express ourselves?

Each one of us is unique. Individually we experience life through a unique filter which is comprised of our beliefs and experiences. When we express ourselves, we offer that unique perspective to the world. We wait for someone else to say, “I can relate to your experience. I can feel the emotions behind your self-expression.” Then you know that you have made a connection. That is the essence of true communication. You sent out your message and someone else received it. This is how we connect with one another.

We use the First Ray to consciously activate our will to create our own reality. Each of us establishes personal goals for ourselves. Very often these goals require change. You may want to change jobs, or start a new relationship, or move to a new location. Many individuals, on the other hand, try to preserve the status quo. It seems to me that some change is inevitable. We are all getting older, for example. The question is, do you wish to actively create change in your life or are you more comfortable in resisting change?

Twelve Rays Overview

The Second Ray – Love and Wisdom

When we work with the Second Ray, we experience Divine Love. Love that comes directly from Source. This connection is part of our Divine Heritage as Children of God. We don’t need to have anyone intervening in between ourselves and Source. We don’t need to have a group of individuals who act as intermediaries between us and Source. This is part of that New Spirituality that I mentioned before. We have a direct connection to Source.

There is more to the New Spirituality. We have been told that there is no judgment when we leave this third dimension. There is no such place as hell. So, it turns out that we are not all sinners and we don’t need a savior. How freeing are those realizations?

The Third Ray – Active Intelligence

The Third Ray is the Ray of Active Intelligence. Of all the Rays, it is perhaps the most practical. I like to refer to it as the “get ‘er done Ray.” This Ray provides insights as to how you bring whatever you choose to create to fruition. It will help you understand the individual steps you need to take to get it done. I suggested that this Third Ray is used in conjunction with the First Ray. We use the First Ray to stimulate our creativity. We can also use the First Ray to identify the sources of the resistance to change and then we use the Third Ray to create the plan and then execute the plan.

I have mentioned that the Law of Attraction is part of the Third Ray. Once the goal has been decided on and the plan is in place, then you can use the Third Ray’s Law of Attraction aspect to draw resources you need to you. I don’t intend to say here that there is only one way to work with the Law of Attraction. I believe this approach is just one of the ways to work with the Law. If you have a process that is different, and it works for you, then by all means stick to what you know works. If, however, you are open to trying something different, then see how this approach works for you.

Twelve Rays Overview

Within the framework of the New Spirituality, we see ourselves as creators of our own reality. This happens whether we are consciously creating our reality or not. The same is true of the Law of Attraction. It operates whether we use it consciously or not. When we consciously create our own reality, we simply get more accurate results. As creators, we are able to direct energy in this dimension and all the others with our will. The energy responds to our directive thought. We create directives when we set goals and the more we hold our attention on those goals, the faster they will manifest for us.

The Rays of Attribute

The Rays of Attribute are all subrays of the Third Ray. These Rays are often referred to as the Rays of Experience because they specifically help us on our journey through life in this physical dimension. Each individual has varying amounts of each one of these Rays. We come into our lifetime with intention. We create goals for ourselves based upon our life intentions. This is sometimes referred to as our soul’s purpose. We choose how we experience life based upon the likelihood of the experiences leading us to our goals. Think of these Rays as an artist’s palette. You apply the right amount of energy based upon the experience you are having.

Keep in mind that we come to this relative dimension in order to experience life here. It is through these life experiences that our souls, or whole-selves, experience growth. We take these experiences back with us when we leave this dimension and integrate them into our whole-selves, which is where all our experiences in all the dimensions are aggregated and integrated.

Twelve Rays Overview

The Fourth Ray – Harmony Through Conflict

The Fourth Ray can be called Harmony Through Conflict. This physical dimension is often described as a reality of duality. Duality refers to opposites like hot and cold, light and dark, male and female, etc. It is almost impossible to avoid conflict in such an environment. We have the opportunity here on this world to experience the opposites and the area in between and then having gained that experience we can create a synthesis which is the combined thought or idea. So for example, when you have experienced hot and cold you have experienced temperature. When you combine the opposites and the areas in between, you get the total picture.

We can view our lives as journeys to discover certain personal truths and abilities. And we can use the Fourth Ray to help with our journey. And as we uncover these personal truths and develop new abilities, we integrate them into our total experiences of this lifetime, and that helps us create synthesis.

Artists of all varieties tend to have a great deal of this Fouth Ray energy. Most artistry is about self-expression. Each artist works with their given specialty be it music, or painting, or the written word, or dance, etc. Each work of art is the artist’s attempt to express something personal. The energy of the Fourth Ray helps with the expression of that message. It helps to perfect the artist’s expression.

The Fifth Ray – Concrete Knowledge

The Fifth Ray is known as the vibration and energy of Pure Intelligence, of Concrete Knowledge. The great scientists on our planet hold a great deal of this energy. The great concepts for our planet flow through this energy.

Twelve Rays Overview

We all have our individual minds that are different from our brains. We can point to an area of the body, our head, and explain that the brain resides there. But where does our mind reside? Our mind is more than our brain. Our mind actually resides in each and every cell in our body. But our mind also exists outside of our body. And it is connected to an even larger mind. A mind so vast that it is beyond our understanding.

We are reminded of our connection to this larger mind to inspire us to raise up our vibration to a level when we once again feel the connection. We use the Fifth Ray to help us maintain this higher frequency level. This is a Ray for anyone with deep thoughts. This is a Ray for thinkers who understand that we are part of something much larger. The universe is a mental construct and we access it through this Ray.

This Ray also helps to balance individuals who are very grounded in their feelings and emotions. If you feel you have an abundance of the Fourth Ray energy, the Fourth Ray is also called the Emotional Ray, you can balance yourself by bringing in the energy of the Fifth Ray, which is also known as the Mental Ray.

The Sixth Ray – Devotion and Idealism

The Sixth Ray is referred to as the Ray of Devotion and Idealism. The energy of the Sixth Ray is an energy that focuses. It helps you to focus on your goals and on your intentions. And when it is balanced, it is used very constructively to promote devotion and idealism. However, too much of this energy can cause extremism, compulsiveness, and even zealotry.

We all come into our lives with intention. If you are not clear on what your life’s goal are, then set that as your intention. Make it your intention to find out why you came here.

If you have already gained insight into your life’s purpose, then use the Sixth Ray to focus on your life’s goals. And as you gain clarity on your life’s purpose, you can use the Third Ray to achieve those goals.

Twelve Rays Overview

The Seventh Ray – Gateway to Awareness

The Seventh Ray has typically been known as the Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic. It has also been known as the Violet Flame of Saint Germain.

I refer to the Seventh Ray as the Gateway into Awareness. This represents a major shift in understanding the Seventh Ray energy. It is an updated explanation of the Ray’s energy, and it helps us to better understand how to work with it.

The Seventh Ray is a violet-colored energy and it is used to dissolve the weightiness of past experience and transmute that energy up into a higher vibration so that we might advance in our evolution of spirit.

We used to think about the Violet Flame as an energy that incinerates lower-level emotions that are ready to be discarded. These days, the Seventh Ray can be used to transmute these lower-level energies into a lighter level and thereby lift them up so that we can move beyond them into a new understanding.

Twelve Rays Overview

The Rays of Soul Integration

The Rays of Soul Integration offer a new opportunity to humanity. They offer the opportunity to move forward in our experience of this physical world. They offer the opportunity to elevate our human consciousness by allowing more of our soul level consciousness to be present here in this relative dimension.

The Rays of Soul Integration are new Rays and have only been available to us since about the second half of the 20th century. Before we question the timing of the availability of the Rays, let's talk a little bit about each one of these Rays and become familiar with them.

The first thing I'd like to point out about these Rays is that they are generally used in connection with another a Ray. The Seventh and Eighth Rays are generally used together as are the Ninth and Tenth Rays. And as you might imagine the Eleventh and Twelfth Rays also go together.

The Eighth Ray, the cleansing Ray is often used in combination with the Seventh Ray. The Seventh Ray, which is referred to as the Gateway into Awareness, is a Ray of change. You might have also heard of it referred to as the Violet Flame of St. Germain. We use this Ray to transmute lower-level energy that is still with us and generally stored in the body to higher level energy. Once it is transmuted to this higher energetic level, the entire body can maintain a higher energetic level. These higher energetic levels open us to new levels of awareness.

The Eighth Ray provides the finishing touches to the Seventh Ray change process by replenishing and rebalancing the energy in the body.

Twelve Rays Overview

The Ninth Ray, Contact with the Soul Level, is used in conjunction with the Tenth Ray which is referred to as the Body of Light. These are not necessarily used in the same session together although they can be. We use the Ninth Ray to loosen our perception of who we are based on our personal egos and reconnect with our multidimensional whole self. Remember, we were really never separated from our whole selves. As we embrace this connection with our whole self, we feel surrounded in love. We allow that love to comfort us as we feel connected to something much larger.

The Ninth Ray also helps us to make contact with the Body of Light and once contact is made, we are ready to use the Tenth Ray.

The Tenth Ray is the Body of Light. The Body of Light is defined as “that experience of self that you will utilize when you leave the Earth plane”. Since it is a higher vibrational energy, we must change our energetic level in order to bring it into physical existence. When we anchor it into our physical body, it becomes a model for physical cells and this has never been possible before in human existence.

The Eleventh Ray, which is referred to as the Bridge to the New Awareness, is used to help us remove any remaining energetic obstacles that we may still be holding on to. You might think of it as a remnant remover. It helps to create that bridge to the New Awareness.

The Twelfth Ray is the New Awareness. The New Awareness is connection. It is awareness of connection in an environment of separation. We initially come to this relative world to experience ourselves under the illusion of separation. When we raise our personal energetic level high enough to be able to make contact not only with our whole selves but also with our Body of Light, we are ready to release the illusion of separation. We are ready to recognize that we are experiencing our life here in this dimension while simultaneously existing in another dimension.

Twelve Rays Overview

When we raise our energetic levels to this level we expand our perspective and open ourselves to new awareness. We are able to experience life on this planet as never before. Are you not ready for such experiences?

The Eighth Ray – A Cleansing Ray

The Eight Ray is the first of the combination Rays. It is a violet and green Ray, a blend of the Fourth, the Seventh Ray, and the Fifth Ray.

I discussed earlier how the Seventh Ray “is used to dissolve the weightiness of past experience and transmute that energy up into a higher vibration so that you might advance in your evolution of spirit.” In a manner of speaking, when you transmute the energy of past experience, you are letting go of it as it was and allowing it to essentially die. And when you use the Eighth Ray in conjunction with the Seventh Ray, you move beyond that original experience to something new.

With death comes new life. The Eighth Ray, the Cleansing Ray, is your allowance of death to those things, those conditions that you no longer find necessary to hold and from that, from those ashes, this Eighth Ray, raises up, much like the Phoenix Rising, and it takes what no longer serves and from those ashes transforms and lifts and clears and creates new, new life. 

What do you wish to create in your life? As you continue to decide what energies you no longer need to carry with you, you create the opportunity to create at a level that was not available to you before. Keep in mind that we are talking about transmuting the fear, or anger, or guilt and so on, that you have associated with these past experiences and replacing it with love. We are all able to achieve this.

Twelve Rays Overview

When you take time to contemplate what you consciously choose to create in your life, you provide clarity to what you desire.  When you release any habituated pattern such as low self-esteem, or insecurity, or fear of abandonment, or one of the many others that we are all prone to carry with us, it is necessary to replace it with a new choice, a new path to creating what you want your life to look like.

When you work with the Seventh Ray and the Eighth Ray together you decide which patterns need to be released and then you can focus on what you are now able to create having released those prior limits that you have carried. Use the Eighth Ray to get clarity on what you now wish to create and work with both these Rays to advance the evolution of your spirit here in this dimension.

The Ninth Ray – Contact with the Soul Level

The Ninth Ray is all about connection, connection to our own individual consciousness that resides beyond this dimension. This can be a daunting proposition and is why we took time in the preceding section to consider the beliefs that we hold about ourselves. I asked you to believe that you are more than you think you are. I asked you to consider your mind as being more that you think it is. I challenged you to believe that you are more than you think you are. Hopefully, the concept of existing in two different dimensions simultaneously is exciting to you. With this Ray, this Ninth Ray, we're going to move forward and actively seek connection with our higher-level consciousness.

The Ninth Ray is a luminescent light blue and green energy and while the colors may not reflect the energy as you would imagine it to be, the energy that flows through this Ninth Ray is a blend of the First and Second Rays. The Ninth Ray is used to loosen the ties with the physical plane and establish contact with the Soul Level.

Twelve Rays Overview

What does that mean to loosen the ties with the physical plane? It means to let go of your ego. Your ego is essential to living in this third dimension. It embodies your physical identity. But, you are more than just your ego. When you use the Ninth Rays to connect with your whole self, you need to let go of the limiting beliefs of the ego because they only describe your physical being.

When you remember your connection to your whole self, you immediately feel surrounded in love. You feel a peacefulness that is yours in that higher dimension. And when you return your consciousness back to this third dimension, you can integrate this expanded concept of who you are back into your physical ego.

The Tenth Ray – The Body of Light

The opportunity that the Tenth Ray offers is to bring more of our soul level consciousness into this relative environment. The benefit in doing this is increased awareness of our physical reality. When we bring more of our soul level consciousness into this physical dimension, we raise our energetic level and as we raise our energetic level new awareness is available to us. I will talk more about this New Awareness when we discuss the Eleventh and the Twelfth Rays.

If you have worked through the Twelve Rays one Ray at a time, which was the manner in which they were given to us initially, you have actually been increasing your energetic level as you progressed. The Tenth Ray doesn't happen to you. It is an energetic level that must be achieved and one of the best ways to achieve that energetic level is by working with the lower Rays. That, of course, is not the only way to reach that energetic level. It is the path that has been shared with us.

Twelve Rays Overview

The Tenth Ray is referred to as the Body of Light. In the introduction, I mentioned that the higher Rays are all about connection. Connection with our Body of Light is the goal of working with the Tenth Ray. I actually should rephrase that last statement a little bit. Anchoring our Body of Light to our physical body is the goal of the Tenth Ray. We always have the Body of Light and we are always connected to it in the higher dimensions. But in this dimension, it has never before been available to us. We used the Ninth Ray to create an awareness of our Body of Light. When we use the Tenth Ray, we embrace our Body of Light and begin to bring it into this physical dimension. When we do this, we open up potential.

The Body of Light is the form we take when we leave this earthy dimension. So, it should be apparent that it doesn’t have the same level of energetic density as our physical body. It is less dense. The process of bringing it into this dimension and anchoring it into the physical body is not something that is going to happen overnight. My understanding of the process is that it will vary depending on each individual. I also believe it is a process that will take place over multiple incarnations. I have no idea of how much elapsed time in terms of earth years we are talking about here. It could take ten years, although I think it will be longer than that. It might take a hundred, or two hundred, or five hundred, or even longer. No one can say with certainty because is it dependent on individual free will. The good news is that we will benefit from it as soon as we embrace it.

The Eleventh Ray – The Bridge to the New Awareness

The Eleventh Ray is referred to as the Bridge to New Awareness. If you read my book, “The Reality of Your Greatness”, you worked with one of my favorite guided journeys which I refer to as the Bridge Meditation. I've been using the metaphor of a bridge for years and I find it to be quite effective. Consider for a moment what a bridge represents. It is a structure that connects you from one place to another. Often a bridge is built across water and metaphorically water often represents our emotions.

Twelve Rays Overview

When we use the Eleventh Ray, we're not creating a bridge over water. We are bridging over states of awareness. Physical bridges allow us to bypass physical obstacles like water. Likewise, the Eleventh Ray can help us to bypass obstacles that are preventing us from reaching higher levels of consciousness. The obstacles I'm talking about are likely to be beliefs that we are still holding on to. They could be habituated patterns that we use as coping strategies. They could be emotional blockages that we have stored in our physical body.

A good way to work with these obstacles to these higher levels of consciousness is by using the Seventh and Eight Rays. Now that we've arrived at the higher Rays and have worked with the Tenth Ray and begun to anchor in the Body of Light, we can use the Eleventh Ray to remove any remaining remnants that are actively blocking our access to our higher levels of consciousness and our New Awareness.

When you work with the Tenth Ray, you may feel areas of imbalance within your physical body. If you did notice any discomfort or any imbalance within your physical body while you were working with the Tenth Ray, I hope that you noted where it was and the feeling that you had associated with it. These are the remnants that we can use the Eleventh Ray to help remove.

The Twelfth Ray – The New Awareness

The Twelfth Ray is a combination of all the Rays. It opens us up to a new way of being. It has been a long journey through the previous eleven Rays. We have embraced our Divine Heritage and assumed our rightful identity as creators of our own reality. We have learned to use the Rays of Experience in our daily lives to help us have the experiences that we planned for ourselves before we entered this lifetime. Then we connected with our whole-selves and remembered our identities as entities who are simultaneously having experiences in different dimensions. We took this memory and used it to open the doorway to new perspective, new levels of consciousness, a New Awareness of who we are and why we are here.

Twelve Rays Overview

We have arrived at the Twelfth Ray, the New Awareness. I believe that New Awareness to be unique for everyone. While we all have shared concepts and beliefs, the way in which we integrate them into our personal awareness and consciousness will create a very individual outcome. Your New Awareness is the goal that has been your motivation for this wonderful personal journey that has led you here. As you step through this gateway into your New Awareness, you feel the excitement of a new journey.

Use the Ninth Ray to strengthen your connection to your whole self. Then use the Tenth Ray to anchor in your Body of Light to your physical body. Bring in the Eleventh Ray to help you to further increase your energetic level and remove any remaining obstacles. Then use the Twelfth Ray to extend your Ninth Ray connection to your whole self to create that Divine Connection. Feel yourself surrounded by Divine Love. This is the connection that we normally feel in the higher dimensions.

Wrapping Up

This has been a very concise overview of the Twelve Rays. I like to think of life in this relative dimension as a journey. We all set out to reach various destinations. It is very helpful to have tools to help us as we make our way through life. These tools help us to resolve the obstacles that we encounter along the way. There are many different sets of tools. The Twelve Rays are one of the many sets of tools that are available to everyone. Surprisingly, most people are unaware of them. These Rays emanate from Source. We all receive varying amounts of them and thereby benefit from them whether we are aware of them or not. Becoming aware of the Rays and using them with intention greatly enhances their benefit. They are a Divinely crafted set of tools. How you use them and when you use them is of course your choice.

The Twelve Rays Overview

"Coming into this relative world in this physical body, you were a cup of energy with boundaries that you set as you entered this world. It is time to overflow the glass and expand your boundaries and understand what fills that cup and how it can exist beyond the boundaries that were set when you moved into the environment."

"Your world is changing...your world is at a critical point. These energies are offered as our wisdom is offered to you, for you to draw that part which serves you into your beingness, to operate as never before, to rise, to shine, to transcend your limits, to heal yourself. Are you not ready?"