forerunner- a person or thing that precedes the coming or development of someone or something else-
New Oxford Dictionary

Keena Small




Life before Corona Virus (Co-Vid-19)



                                    PRESENT DAY IN THE YEAR 2020.

The world is full of death, devastation and changes that rocked the world.  Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has arrived and it has caused a major shift in the lives of the American people and others around the world.  Schools, Churches and non-essential businesses have closed their doors.  People are dying and some are very ill.  Social distancing and sheltering in place is now the new norm.  The life of playing in parks, going to the gym, shopping in the malls, going to the theater have ceased. The world as we knew it has closed it's doors on society. 

Children are being home-educated and online church services as well as working from home is the trend.  Organic gardening and meal prep as well as raising food and animals have come full force as a new way of life. Are we going forward or back in time, one might ask.  I assure you the lifestyle we are encountering is not new.  It could be that it is new to you.  If that is the case, perhaps I may be of assistance with helping you settle in for the time being.
I am a Success Coach. What you might be experiencing has been a lifestyle for me.  I started home schooling in 1991. I've been involved in organic gardening since a child.  I introduced organic gardening to my children and husband in 1988 and started my business in 2002.



*Home Schooling since 1991 - Heritage Christian Academy
*Opened our private school for others in 2005
* Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old,
he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)
Phone and Online Coaching Available
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Life as I know it, is still the same with a little less work.  My children are grown and I am no longer preparing meals for 8 people and I certainly don't have the acre gardens at this time.  What I have now is time to help someone else begin their journey of gardening at home or understanding the easier methods of home-education.  I am a professional strategist, educator and success coach.  I spent years implementing strategies for my family as well as clients I've worked with over the years. 
Parenting is a always a work in progress.  My children are grown and I am still very involved in their lives.  Lifestyle strategies can be learned as well as taught. Many changes came with the Covid-19 virus. The changes can seem overwhelming at first.  Change usually carries a measure of new challenges.  Walking through the challenges with a seasoned or experienced successor can be of significant help.
I was raised in a family of fourteen.  My parents had sixteen children.  They believed in preparing us for life and also for independence.  We began life work at a very early age.  Life work consisted of academic education, cooking, gardening, raising farm animals, making our own butter, learning to sew, sort, wash clothing and basic mechanics.  We were taught to be prepared. 

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

Benjamin Franklin


My name is Keena Small.  I am a strategist, educator and coach.  I help others overcome obstacles keeping them from moving forward successfully.  I am a change agent of hope, breaking down negative thoughts and limitations by using biblical strategies. My calling through Christ is helping others become stronger in faith and be prepared for the work of the ministry.
Let me help you prepare during these trying times.  Email for a free consultation.  For more information:


Present day, in the year 2020, the world has been filled with death, devastation and changes that have rocked the nation.  Are we experiencing a new normal?  The businesses have closed.  People are issued a shelter in place warning.  Schools have closed around the world.  We are asked to shelter in place and keep a social distance of 6 feet.  Churches around the world have closed and online services have become the way of the world.  Products and services are limited and somewhat scarce.  Homeschooling, home gardening and raising farm animals is now the popular trend.  Welcome to My World.

My name is Keena Small.  I am a Forerunner, a change agent of hope.  Long before the world decided it was a good thing to home-educate, garden organically or raise farm animals, that was my life.  I began home-educating in 1991.  My family and I have lived a life of organic gardening since 1988.  Ducks, horses, chickens, rabbits, fishing and food preparation including canning has been a part of my life since childhood.  If I may be of service, and you would like a free consultation to see if I would be a good fit for your journey, please connect via email. or

Keena Small_Success Coach