To Change Your Life + Business

Liberty Wecker

Goal Setting Strategies

Table Of Contents

    Foreword                                                                                                                                                              Pg 02

    Introduction                                                                                                                                                     Pg 03

    What are goals?                                                                                                                                                Pg 06

    How to set goals                                                                                                                                               Pg 07

    Setting Your Goals                                                                                                                                           Pg 10

    Get specific                                                                                                                                                           Pg 12

    Planning                                                                                                                                                                Pg 17

    Action                                                                                                                                                                    Pg 20

    Create                                                                                                                                                                     Pg 23

    Writing Self-Affirmations                                                                                                                           Pg 28

    Evaluate                                                                                                                                                                 Pg 30

    Keep Going                                                                                                                                                            Pg 33

    Motivation                                                                                                                                                           Pg 34

    Wrapping up                                                                                                                                                         Pg 37


    Goals are very important part of anyone’s life and especially if you are just starting a new venture, new life or want to change career, setting and pursuing a goal is very vital part of your life.

    People who live their life without goals often fail to achieve what they could have achieved. Some people have this philosophy of being contented all the time, which is good to some extent, but it does not work for you in the long run. You always need some solid to motivate you to move on and this motive is provided to you by goals.

    Goal setting and achieving goals is not one event, it needs a thorough planning process to achieve them. This process starts from identifying your goals in the first place, breaking them down to smaller achievable steps and then taking action towards them.

    In this eBook, I will demonstrate the whole process of identifying goals, chasing those goals and making them your life.

    People often confuse goals with resolutions but goals are different from resolutions because resolutions are just to create a wakeup call in your life while goals can make your life far easier and better. If you take your goals seriously then, I am 100 percent sure that these will not only make your life more progressive and planned but they will also help you in resolving your problems more easily.


    Congratulations on taking your first steps to creating your dream life. Setting goals is an important part of this process. In this eBook we will be looking at all the important steps need to make some major life changes and to help you achieve any goal quickly and easily. 

    This eBook also contains a workbook to help you take control of the goal setting process and to keep a record of what you are working towards. By following all the steps I give you and putting in the required effort you will see some major changes happening in your life.

    Just by making small changes or taking little steps each day you will start to see changes happening very quickly.

    This is the goal setting plan I use to achieve any goal I would like to achieve. I have used it to bring in more clients, make major changes in my life, to change my income, bring in new joint ventures and much more.

    So, What are a few of your greatest goals in life?

    To lose weight?

    To earn more money?

    To go on a dream holiday?

    To have your own business?

    To have a loving household?  


    All of these things are possible, and more if you truly desire them and use a proven strategy to accomplish them.

    Let’s say you have a goal to lose weight and you decide you want to lose 30 lbs. You start off well, cutting back the amount of food you eat. You also start a workout regimen. You assess your weight to track your progress. In the first few days, you begin to see a decrease in your weight. Happy, you carry on with what you've been doing, but it appears that your activities have lost their effectiveness as your weight loss has stopped.

    You get disheartened. You begin to go back to your old habits, deciding that it is impossible for you to accomplish the goal as it's in your genes or you simply don't have the self-control to stick to your weight loss efforts. You start to lie to rest the whole whim of weight loss. You begin to acquire back all the weight you shed and more. This makes you even more down heartened and you begin eating more. At some stage down the road, you get another urge to slim down. You start up the goal pursuit once more, more determined than ever. Nevertheless, past events duplicate themselves and soon you're back where you began.

    Does any of this behaviour sound familiar to any of the goals you've set to achieve previously? Well help is here.

    Goals should be easy to achieve?

    A lot of people have this misconceived notion of goal accomplishment as they only come into contact with the events of others’ goals. They're not involved in all the thought-processes, intricacies and planning that went into the accomplishment of those goals.


    Mistakes, Personal Experience and Strategies

    A lot of people are guilty of attempting to undertake their goals utilizing a series of trial and error approaches. They throw their energy out there with all their might on the few steps they acknowledge, believing that this will get them to their destination. They handle their goals in a hit-or-miss approach, and then hope that everything will turn out for the better.

    Although it might work in the short-term and on smaller goals, it doesn't work with huge, long-term goals. For instance, you might get away with dropping off 5 lbs of weight by simply eating less and working out more, but to drop off additional weight and sustain that weight loss calls for a proper strategy.

    Have a look at Olympians. They don't win their medals because they merely blindly trained daily. There are a lot of things that happen behind the scenes, like training by

    Would you love to live in abundance?

    To be fit and healthy?

    To find your soul mate?

    the most beneficial coaches, suitable diets, self-help courses to put them in the correct mindset, studying the correct techniques, and so forth. 

    So I am going to show you the exact strategies to use to set your goals, make sure they are in line with your life purpose, beliefs and values. What actions you need to take to achieve them and how to keep motivated in the process.

    What Are Goals?

    “Goals are fundamental keys to success and achievement”

    This definition may sound a little confusing but you need to understand that goals give you the meaning of life. Without goals, you just live your life, but with goals you can live your life with a purpose.  

    Goals give you a point of centralizing your energy. You cannot identify yourselves without proper goals in your life and they give you an opportunity to express yourselves to others. Without any goals, your life is just like empty fields. But goals make this filed colourful and provide some useful meaning to your life.

    In rest of this book, I will demonstrate the true meaning of goals, their implementation in your live and different ways and motivations to achieve these goals.

    Many of you will be familiar with goal setting techniques but in this book you will find some useful tips which will help you in every part of goal setting. You can say that this eBook is the essence of my life as I have learned through my experiences.

    Some experiences were bad and some were even worst but all of these experiences have taught me some useful things, which I would like to tell you and you can make those experiences in your life better.

    People often take just material goals seriously and they set a target to achieve them but in my point of view goals are much broader than that.

    How to Set Goals

    Evaluate: evaluated the goal regularly and make any adjustments. 

    Don't let the easiness of the model fool you. While these five steps appear very easy by themselves, they're the core of successful goal achievements, particularly for big goals where the ‘What’ and ‘How’ toward accomplishing them becomes subtle.

    With SPACE, you'll discover the goal accomplishment to be significantly easier. Rather than success being a random, hit-or-miss event, it will become a predictable, securable outcome. You'll begin seeing your goals come to fruition and wonder why you fought so long with them in the first place.

    SPACE is a holistic model that covers all that needs to be done in goal accomplishment, from beginning to end. It stars with specifying your goal, to beyond your goal, where you recap what you've done and the lessons you are able to follow for the next time. It maps the cardinal steps you need to do for each goal you want to achieve, and guides you throughout the entire process.

    How to Set Goals

    Things to recognize about SPACE:

    1. Good for any goal.

    What goals are you going after? Getting a job you love? Losing weight? Increasing hits on your blog or website? Starting your own business? Increasing your health? Buying a new house? Regardless what goal you have, SPACE is wholly applicable and relevant. In brief, it may be utilized for literally any goal in the world. If we take the example of Starting your own business, this is what we'll see with the model:     

    Specify: Be specific with your goal, what your business is about, why it is important to you.

    Plan: What is your life time goal, 5 year goal, 1 year goal, 6 month goal and monthly goal are for the business. Break these goals down starting from the life time goal to the monthly goal and plan each step

    Action: What actions do you need to take to achieve these goals, writing to do lists for each goal. 

    Create: Visualise your goal, create vision boards, affirmations.

    How to Set Goals

    Say our goal is to start a business. 

    Evaluate: evaluated the goal regularly and make any adjustments.

    Every step of this system is needed in the success of the goal. They are separate parts of a system that make it whole. Attempting to omit any of the steps will endanger your chances and level of success. The steps happen in sequence – implying the first step needs to be complete prior to going to the second, etc. Advancement through the steps represents your goal being evidenced in your mind to physical production. As you begin with the beginning step, it's basically a creation in your mind.

    As you move through the steps, you're basically taking that virtual creation in your mind and giving it physical form and shape in our world.

    Your time and energy are precious, so it's better to invest time now to arrange the right goals.

    Holding this orderly approach to goal accomplishment helps dramatically step-up your chances of success for 2 reasons:

    First of all, if there are issues with accomplishing the goal, you are able to always review and discover exactly which stage the issue came up, then fix it from there.

    Secondly, it sees to it that all bases are covered and you don't leave any stone unturned.

    Specify: Be specific with your goal, what is your business is about, why it is important to you.

    Plan: What is your life time goal,? Break these goals down starting from the life time goal to the monthly goal and plan each step. 5 year goal, 1 year goal, 6 month goal and monthly goal are for the business.

    Action: What actions do you need to take to achieve these goals, writing to do lists for each goal.  

    Create: Visualise your goal, create vision boards, affirmations.

    Setting Your Goals

    Step 1 - Be Specific with your goal 

    As you set your goal, you need to see to it that they stick to the precepts below. These are what will guide you to determine the correct goals so that you may achieve them.


    Why do I want specifically

    Here they are in detail:

    What: this should identify the “meat” of your goal. What you want to accomplish?

    Where: location, if applicable (like getting a job in your local area or moving to a new area).

    How: you may have a preference as to “how” events will unfold (this may not always be within your control, but a having a general expectation is good).

    Whom: if your goals involve others, you’ll want to highlight your expectations.

    When: a general timeline for the fulfilment of your goals.

    Why: your reasons for wanting to achieve your goals.

    Are they in line with your life purpose? 

    Your goals need to be specified in the context of your life purpose. Everything in your life should be in line with your purpose. Your purpose is the centring for everything in your life.

    If your goals and your purpose are not congruent with each other, it either implies:

    Setting Your Goals

    Your goals are not in line with what you wish to accomplish. If so, review them to understand your motives for listing them.

    What do I want specifically

    Where do I want it specifically

    How will I get it specifically

    Who (if others are involved or affected) do I need specifically

    When do I want it by specifically

    Get Specific

    You've limited the definition of your purpose. If this is the case, attempt to build on the definition of your purpose.

    Do you recognize what your purpose is? By distinguishing your purpose, you then have clarity on your direction and focus in life.

    Understand your motives.

    Have you ever had an experience where you chased a goal completely, only to discover you never truly wanted it? There are a few common symptoms, which come out when you don't really want a specific goal: like self-sabotaging yourself in your goal quest, missing interest during the goal accomplishment process, feeling empty after the goal has been accomplished.

    As you determine your goal, be clear on your fundamental motives. Your goal should be something that you truly want, and not what other people want for you. Why do you want this goal? Is it for you or for other people? What will you accomplish by getting this goal? Being clear on your fundamental desires will drive you ahead in the times when you face obstructions.

    If you discover yourself setting a goal, which isn't what you truly want but what other people want you to do, is a sign that you're chasing after imposed purposes, purposes placed upon you by others around you. It's the opposite of freeing purposes, purposes that are live creations by you and your cognizance.

    Get Specific

    What are your beliefs?

    What do you believe? The answer is likely to be 'more than you realize'. If your beliefs are not in line with your goal you are going to sabotage yourself before you even start! For example, if your goal is to be a millionaire and your beliefs are money is evil, I don’t deserve to be rich, etc. then your beliefs are going to get in the way of you accomplishing this goal. So, some belief work is required to change your beliefs, this is not a difficult process. We all have beliefs and a lot of the beliefs we have come from other people, i.e. parents, grandparents, teachers. We need to look at our beliefs before we set ourselves up to fail. Take a look at your goals and see what your beliefs are telling you about each goal you have set and work to change them to more positive beliefs.

    What are your values? 

    In order to make a goal achievable you will need to have a look at your values. Values are principles, standards or qualities. Base Your Goals On Your Values. Put values at the base of the goal setting procedure.

    Short-run, mid-term and long-run goals are based on the solid foundation of your values. If the goal you set is congruent with and lets you live your most significant values, you're more likely to achieve the goal.

    Get Specific


    If you don’t feel worthy or deserving of the goals you are setting you won’t achieve them!

    Self-worth is the opinion you have about yourself and the value you place on yourself. An example of self-worth is your belief that you are a good person who deserves good things or your belief that you are a bad person who deserves bad things.

    Spend some time asking yourself questions and listen to your feelings to get the answers you need, if anything negative comes up around your worth some work needs to be done on yourself before you can achieve this goal.


    It is important to be clear about your priorities. What is most important to you?

    Getting your budget under control?

    List the 5 most important things to you in order of priority. This is where you should be focusing most of your time and energy.

    Trust you are able to achieve the goal:

    We all have a little voice in our head. It's the voice of our subconscious mind, judging us. On a day-to-day basis, we lock in self-talk; we judge every situation we encounter. We talk about events and plans in our minds. Our commentary is both favourable and damaging.

    Favourable ideas and planning support the achievement of our goals. Damaging ideas and comments sabotage our self-respect and self-assurance, and negatively affect our ability to achieve our goals. 

    Get Specific

    Hear your voice. You are able to alter its tone by trusting in yourself and in your ability to achieve your goals and resolutions. Utilize this unconscious critic to positively confirm your goal setting success.

    Your family?

    Your Spouse?

    Losing Weight?

    Selling your house?

    Establishing your business?

    Paying off all your debts?

    Getting in shape?

    Finishing your studies?

    Paint a brilliant final result: 

    Traditionally, goals were instituted around measurable results. This works well if the results are measurable. Don’t tie yourself to only arranging measurable goals, Occasionally the most significant goals, the non-urgent, vital goals, are difficult to measure.

    With goals that are difficult to measure, begin with a picture in your mind, that you place on paper, that describes the result you're looking for. Make the picture as brilliant as you are able to.

    Get Specific

    Setting time limits for your goals

    Most people set their goals for an unlimited amount of time. This is not the right approach because this will relax you too much and you will not be able to work consistently. On the other hand, if you have a deadline approaching then, it can make you to think about your progress rate. You can either make your progress fast or you can relax, depending on the time frame.

    An effective way to do this is to make a partner and share your goal with him or her. This will help you by making you accountable to that person. He or she will ask you for your daily or weekly progress towards your goal and that person will also tell you the exact measurement of your progress.

    When you know that you have to answer someone’s questions then, you will feel more responsible and work even harder. Setting a deadline also means that, you have to complete your goal in order to start another one.

    This will encourage you to complete your goals faster and the faster you complete your goals, more time you will get for your other goals and so on.

    Fill in step one in the workbook


    Now you have decided on your goal it is now time to put a plan into action. Starting with the end goal work backwards to see what you need to implement and when, in order to achieve success.

    What is your 6th month goal?

    What can you do to achieve this?

    Breaking the goal down into small steps is paramount to your success. You will need to make clear lists, plans and action steps. For example if you were starting a business you would make a business plan to give you the overall strategy you need. Take this as an example and word it for your personal life in order to obtain what it is you are planning for.

    As you consider your goal, think about what techniques you will use to accomplish this goal. What is going to be your design for success? What may you do to attain this goal? Regardless how big your goal is, there will be a fundamental set of patterns which will let you to achieving it.

    Comprehend The Goal Thoroughly.

    List all the data and knowledge you have that you believe will play a crucial role in accomplishing your goals.

    What is the opening move that exists between you and the goal presently?

    Use Existing Resources.


    As you're collecting the data, think of the existing resources you can use in your goal quest. There's an astonishing wealth of knowledge and experience around you, which you are able to use. Among the methods will be reaching out to individuals who have attempted to accomplish the goals or even attained the goals previously. If possible, seek mentors or coaches to assist. Additional sources include the internet sites, books, podcasts, and net communities, acquaintances, just to name a few.

    What is your 5 year goal?

    What is your 3 year goal?

    What is your 1 year goal?

    What do you understand about the goal?

    What is all the data you need about the goal in order to accomplish success?

    What does the goal make up?


    Discover Your 80/20 Path. 

    After you've received all the knowledge you need about your goal, distinguish all the paths you are able to take to reach it. Consider all the likely ways that may be attempted to move forward towards your goals. Brainstorming plays a crucial role here, as you need to leave no stones unturned. Go crazy with your thoughts; truly think out of the box! Out of all those ways, which is your 80/20 path? The 80/20 path refers to the way which gives you the most advantage for the least effort, as contrary to other paths which might provide you low reward for low effort, elevated reward for elevated effort, or low reward for elevated effort.

    What’s Important

    Arrange goals in all aspects of your life, to sustain your life balance. The balance likewise helps you achieve goals as every aspect of your life is exemplified in your goals. You're less likely to go through warring priorities if each aspect of your life has a value-based goal.

    Arrange goals in these areas.

    Mental and Education

    Until one is committed, there's reluctance, the opportunity to pull away, and ineffectiveness. The minute one decidedly commits oneself, then goals can be achieved.

    All types of things can happen once you have your goals in place that may not have otherwise happened. A whole river of events comes forward from that decision, rising in ones favour all fashion of unexpected incidents, meetings and material help which you could never have dreamed possible. Whatever you are able to do, or dream you can, create it! Nerve has genius, magic, and power in it.

    Fill in step 2 in the workbook 

    Loved ones and Home 
    Financial and Occupation
    Spiritual and Moral
    Physical and Wellness
    Sociable and Cultural


    What steps do you need to take to achieve your goals?

    Taking action is the next most important step to achieving your goals. Make an action list to support your goals list, this can be daily, weekly or monthly, this will help you to take inspired action on a regular basis. Write a list and priorities them.

    What is holding you back? We all have various experiences in our lives, some of these have been lessons for us to learn that have made us the people we are today. We have all experienced pain, suffering, lack of self-confidence, self-belief etc. We need to let go of anything that is holding us back from achieving the things we want to achieve, and the dream life we want to create. The more of the past you can let go of the better and the easier it will be to live in the present moment and allow better things to come in.

    What Recourses do you need to achieve your goals?

    Write a list of anything you need that will help you to achieve your goals.


    Limiting Beliefs If you have limiting beliefs around your goals it is time to work on them as this will stop you achieving your goals.


    This work may include:

    Support from family and friends


    Study, information, knowledge, books


    Business plan


    Brainstorming sessions

    Belief work 

    Self –confidence



    Money mindset

    Letting go of anything that no longer serves you



    What habits can you let go of that will help you to achieve your goals and what habits can you set on a daily basis to help you.

    Our brains are wired to form habits. These habits can become good or bad, but once something has become a true habit, a different part of our brain takes over and we begin to perform that particular habit on autopilot. This means we no longer have to use mental energy to perform the task, which leaves our brain free to focus on getting other things done. The more good habits you can create for yourself, the more willpower and energy you will have leftover to use towards other things.

    Create a list of habits that you would like to achieve every day, the more consciously you do this on a daily basis the quicker it will become an unconscious habit.

    Things to eliminate from your life

    This is where the priority list and goal setting becomes so important! If when you look at your day, you find that much of your time is filled with things that don’t match up to your priorities or your most important goals, then something has to give.

    Start small--eliminate 3-5 things in your life that are taking up time but not adding much value. Just stop doing them. Yes, I know it is easier said than done, but making a conscious decision paves the way for change.

    Go back to step one and examine all the things you listed that are currently occu- pying your time. Circle in yellow the ones that are unessential--the ones that either don’t fall in line with your goals, your purpose or fit with your priorities. Of those circled in yellow, which five things could you eliminate from your life completely?

    Fill out step 3 in your workbook


    Visualizing your goals helps you to establish the goal that you're going to be questing after. Since you're reading this goal accomplishment book, you likely already have a goal in mind, which you wish to accomplish. Yet, visualizing your goal is more than simply naming a goal you wish to accomplish. There are numerous factors to consider to see to it that your vision is rich, precise, and above all, what you truly want.

    Regrettably, rather than investing quality time on this step, a lot of people make the error of being hasty. They jump past suitable goal setting and straight into the preparation and carrying out. At the end of the day, they wind up doing a lot of backtracking and rework as they didn't set the goal the right way in the first place. A few of them really accomplish their goal, and then discover that they didn't want the goal anyway.

    Use Visualization Techniques

    Before we can believe in a goal, we first must have an idea of what it looks like.

    This is where visualization comes in, which is simply a technique for creating a mental image of a future event. When we visualize our desired outcome, we begin to "see" the possibility of achieving it. Through visualization, we catch a glimpse of what we want to create. When this happens, we are motivated and prepared to pursue our goal.

    Visualization is a well-developed method of performance improvement supported by substantial scientific evidence and used by successful people across a range of fields. Take athletes, for example. Studies show that visualization increases athletic performance by improving motivation, coordination and concentration. It also aids in relaxation and helps reduce fear and anxiety.

    Visualisation involves envisioning yourself achieving your goal. To do this, create a detailed mental image of the desired outcome using all of your senses.


    For example if your goal was to move house, see the house, see the rooms, see how each room is decorated, how does it feel? what can you smell? Who is there with you? Hold the mental image for as long as possible.

    Visualise your goal as often as possible.

    Creative Vision Boarding

    What is a vision board?

    In the most basic terms a vision board is a collage of pictures, quotes, words and affirmations that represent the life you want to be living.

    Why would you want to create a vision board?

    The answer is very simple, to help you create or manifest your dreams and desires. You can use your vision board to create success in any area of your life including relationships, career, health, wealth etc, alongside your goal plan.

    Vision boards are extremely easy to create and once completed are incredibly powerful. A vision board is a way of creating clarity about the kind of life you want to live. It is a story in pictures and words. By making your vision board and looking it at it multiple times a day you focus your attention on what you want to attract most into your life. A vision board takes the ideas out of your head and puts the desires in front of you and gives it feelings and emotions.

    Your vision board can cover any area you choose, it can be split into every area of your life on one board or you can have a different board for each area of your life i.e. one for career, one for family and relationship and one for health, the choice is yours.


    When creating your vision board there are lots of things to take into account like clarity, practicality, value, reality and effort. Let’s take a look at the basic ingredients for creating a vision board that is going to manifest the life you want.

    The basic ingredients

    There are a few basic ingredients which help your vision board become the most powerful manifesting tool you have ever created.


    We will look at each of these in turn before we start to create our own vision boards. But before we begin here are a few rules to help you create the vision board of your dreams.

    Basic rules


    What is the most important thing for you? What is success for you? Only place things on the vision board that resonate with you otherwise there will be conflicts.

    Money, fame, investments, health, family?

    Spend time working out your true desires, how you value them and be clear about what it is that you do want. Try writing down what success means to you.


    We can only manifest the things we value i.e.


    Energy – how much time and effort are you willing to put in to obtaining your dreams? If your dreams mean working 80 hours a week, are you willing to do that? If you get the huge house of your dreams are you willing to put in the effort to work to pay the huge bills, or spend hours doing the house work? 

    Reality – reality is key to manifestation. Be realistic with your wishes, dreams and goals so that when you do manifest them they don’t take over your life, i.e. keeping up with bill payments for them or extra house work. Be practical, take your earnings into account so there are no extra problems caused. 

    Emotion – always include;

    Emotion, Happiness, Joy Wellbeing, Goals, Dreams, Desires, Intention, Visualisation, Beliefs,  Affirmations, Meditation, Positive action

    Your vision board should be all encompassing – need and desire are key to manifesting your desires, when we need and desire something they line up and come to fruition. Clarity is key to our success, if clarity is not reached we are setting ourselves up for a fall.

    Common mistakes

    Never put anything on there that make you feel worse about yourself.

    Always include:

    Goals, dreams and desires

    You can use your vision board to help manifest goals and dreams of any size. Whether it is a new life partner, a dream house, better health or a new car, however small or large you must have a crystal-clear vision of what it is that you desire.

    Fill out step 4 in your workbook


    Don’t place luck on your vision board
    It’s not all about material gain
    The things you place on your vision board are just for you

    Making one doesn’t make things happen – you need to put your own energy into it to help bring things forward. i.e the goal plan.

    Only put on there things you want or believe in – not things you think you should want, no just because. 


    Lifestyle, Happiness and Reality

    Make sure you are ready to work for what you want

    Pictures of yourself

    Money if you need it

    Specifics / details




    Writing Self-Affirmations

    Presently we are all learning about the Power of Attraction. It states that the more you're positive about what you wish to accomplish, gain or achieve in life the more likely you will attract it to you. The power of attraction is successful however only when you utilize self-affirmations saying how you will be when you accomplish what you wish to attract.

    Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated over and over again, it is a declaration that something is true. Our bodies believe every thought we think, so by repeating affirmations we are declaring what we would like and we can then bring what we want in to our reality. It doesn’t matter if we don’t have it yet our subconscious doesn’t know the difference between reality and fantasy.

    When choosing affirmations you need to choose positive affirmations that resonate with you, or try writing your own. As well as writing it in your journal, repeat it as often as you can throughout the day. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the affirmations, they have to be repeated with attention, interest, faith, desire and feeling. The more feelings you put into them the more your subconscious is going to believe them. By using this process throughout the day with intent you influence your subconscious mind which in turn, transforms your habits, behaviour, attitude, and reactions, and will begin to reshape your external life.

    Sometimes, results appear quickly, but sometimes more time is required. You may attain immediate results, and other times, it might take days, weeks, months or more. Getting results depends on several factors, such as the time, focus, faith and the feelings you invest in repeating your affirmations, on the strength of your desire, and on how big or small your goal is.

    It is important to understand that repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negative thoughts for the rest of the day can neutralize the effects of the positive words. You have to keep all of your thoughts positive if you wish to attain positive results.

    Make your affirmations visual: You need to make certain that you are able to visualize the affirmation statements. You need to be able to envision in your mind what it would look like in reality once the affirmations are accomplished.

    Writing Self-Affirmations

    Here are a couple of affirmations to give you an idea, make sure all the word you use are positive. 

    “Wealth is pouring into my life.” 

    “I radiate love and happiness.” 

    “My body is fit and healthy.”

    Or you can use them as I am statements. 

    “I am connecting to my angels quickly and effortlessly.” 

    “I am so happy to find the perfect career that satisfies me in every way.” 

    “I am confident, organised and successful.”

    “I am living in the house of my dreams.”


    It is important to evaluate your goals regularly to keep you on track and this is key to long term success. 

    Sometimes you’ll notice small results, but not as much as you’d like so you need to tweak your plans slightly to adjust the outcome. Or you’ll figure out that changing your approach on one simple thing will explode your results like crazy!

    Evaluation is a worthwhile activity because it can help keep you honest about your efforts, it can reveal holes in your plans and it can inspire you to keep going when you notice even moderate results happening.

    There are two types of evaluation you should do periodically. The first involves frequent evaluation of your daily actions.

    Commitment at the time when you aren’t seeing results is crucial. Where it may seem easier to ‘put them aside and forget’, this is time when you need to have that accountability ‘chat’ with yourself. Or find someone who you can talk to. Someone who is rooting for you, they may be able to offer another perspective, or help you with ideas.


    Every one to two weeks, take a few moments to answer these questions with honesty:

    What can you do to improve your results (go back to the original who, why, where, when, how, can you add to it?)

    The other type of evaluation can be done monthly or even quarterly; and it should focus more on your long-term progress rather than your daily actions.

    How has your life changed?

    Have you been more productive?

    Where have you seen success?

    What has been most difficult?

    What goals have you reached?

    Are you sticking to the plan?

    How can your plan be improved?

    Where can you improve on your original plan?

    Do you need to modify anywhere? If so, are they working better for you?

    Have your results met your expectations so far? If not, why not?


    Answer these questions: 

    Are your plans moving you in the right direction?

    Is your ultimate goal still the same, or are you considering a change in direction?

    Can you think of any ways to improve upon your original plans?

    What are you learning about yourself through this process?

    Have you developed a stronger appreciation of any aspect of yourself?

    Which of your qualities and habits still need improvement?

    How can you begin to expand your potential and stretch your limits?

    Are you beginning to think of even larger goals you can achieve now?

    Fill out step 5 in your workbook

    Keep Going

    Get Moving

    Whether you utilize a paper planner or a hand-held microcomputer, you are able to enter your goals, and schedule every day and weekly actions that affirm their achievement. The discipline of the every day recap is a powerful goal achievement tool. Merely tracking your goals here and there isn't adequate. 

    If you’re unhappy with your progress, you have to evaluate what is keeping you from achieving the goals. Ask yourself questions like, “Is this goal truly crucial?”

    Are there particular obstacles you are going through which are interfering with your power to achieve the goal?” If you are not making progress on a specific goal, try to do a cause analysis to decide why. Only by truthfully examining your lack of progress may you determine steps to take to change this picture.

    Even the achievement of a minor goal is cause for celebration. Don’t depress yourself with thoughts about all you still have to accomplish. Celebrate what you've accomplished. Then advance to the next milestone.

    Periodically look at the goals you've set for this year. Are the goals still the correct goals? Provide yourself permission to alter your goals and resolutions based on changing conditions.

    Don’t spend a whole year failing to accomplish a specific goal. Your time is better spent on accomplishment than on beating yourself up for lack of forward motion. Perhaps you made the goal too huge; perhaps you set too many goals. Do a truthful appraisal; change what has to change periodically, and march on.


    Stay Motivated

    Motivation makes you feel as though you're full of life and ready to accomplish anything you have to in order to accomplish the goals that you've set for yourself.

    Keep Going

    Motivation...we're all giving chase to it, but few of us comprehend it, or why we lose it first of all.

    What is implied by motivation?

    Motivation is the innate desire to accomplish a goal, blended with the passion and vitality to work towards accomplishing that goal. People who are motivated have a want to take on fresh ventures and satisfy the requirements essential to finish the undertaking.

    Motivation is a characteristic that we all need in order to accomplish anything in our lives. Without motivation, we'd all merely give up at the slimmest inclination of hardship. Motivation is the initiator that inspires and encourages us to be our finest.

    Somebody who's motivated will do anything it takes to be successful in accomplishing their goals. 

    Motivation may alter your life by inspiring you to get everything you wish out of life, regardless what others try to tell you. It's possible for somebody who's stricken by poverty to become motivated and turn everything around into a life of abundance. Motivation provides us the passion that we require to start exploring our options in life as well as the bravery to see these aspirations through to reality.


    If you're distressed with your present situation, it's most likely due to the fact that your present situation doesn't motivate you. You have to take it upon yourself to determine what it is that you really want out of life. Consider the type of life-style that you wish to lead and the sort of career you wish.

    When you know what makes you happy and alter your life centre, you'll be excited to leap out of bed each morning.

    Why we drop off our motivation:

    3 basic factors lead to the loss of our motivation, they are:

    1. Deficiency of direction. You won't be motivated to accomplish your goals if you don't understand what those goals are.

    2. Deficiency of self-confidence. Trusting you'll fail is the best way to see to it. Page 27 

    3. Deficiency of focus. Not recognizing what it is that you wish will lead to wondering if you even wish anything at all.

    Hints on how to remain motivated:

    If you lack motivation, you likewise lack ambition, exuberance and zest. Motivation makes you feel as though you're full of life and prepared to do anything you have to in order to accomplish the goals that you've set for yourself.

    When you discover your motivation, you'll be more pleased, you'll have more vitality and you'll be able to see the favourable results clearly in your brain.


    You have to enhance the motivation inside you and waken your inner power to push yourself in the direction of accomplishing your aspirations, regardless how great or small they might be.

    Here are a couple hints to help you discover your motivation and hang on to it:

    Arrange goals. If you arrange goals for yourself, discovering the motivation to accomplish those goals will come easier.

    Complete everything you begin. Make a promise to yourself that regardless what occurs, you have to always arrive at the finish line.

    Unify with like minds. Favourable attitudes appear to be contagious. Encircle yourself with like-minded individuals who have the motivation that you seek.

    Don't postpone for tomorrow what you are able to get accomplished today. If you dilly-dally, you'll get lazy and lose all motivation to succeed.

    Never quit. Patience and doggedness to keep going and remain strong regardless what comes along will provide you the motivation you require to succeed.

    Perpetually remind yourself that you are able to win. Envision your goals and how pleased you'll be when you've everything you wish.

    Wrapping Up

    In the quest of your goals, you'll without doubt face matters that swerve you off track. It's all right to be frustrated in the process. Face your let downs, learn how to cope with it, but don't let yourself be plagued by it.

    As long as you carry out the SPACE model, you'll experience success with your goals. Regardless how hard a goal may appear to be, it will be possible to accomplish it.

    If you feel the goal appears unattainable, it's because you haven’t uncovered the fundamental set of patterns and paths that let you accomplish it. When you successfully do that, you'll find that the goal is exceedingly accessible.

    Remember that the earth’s most successful individuals have set huge goals and accomplished them as they kept their steadfast vision. When you properly draw up the map associating you to your end destination, all it takes is determination before you finally accomplish your goals. As you go after your goals, remember to savour the journey.

    Goal accomplishment is but one stop; the journey is the longest of the whole procedure. You must savour your journey.

    Goal Setting Stratagies

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitationullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit involuptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat nonproident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue. Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipiscing, commodo quis, gravida id, est. Sed lectus. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor. Sed semper lorem at felis. Vestibulum volutpat, lacus a ultrices sagittis, mi neque euismod dui, eu pulvinar nunc sapien ornare nisl. Phasellus pede arcu, dapibus eu, fermentum et, dapibus sed, urna.