Author: Bill Dow, PMP

Project Communication Tools 
Project Size

Project Communication Tools By Project Size


Copyright @2022 William Dow, PMP and Bruce Taylor
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Project Communication Tools By Project Size

Project Communication Tools by Project Size

As a four-time author in Project Management books, two specifically on project communications, one of the questions I get the most is about communication tools. Specifically, the question comes in the form of “What is the least amount of tools I can use to communicate project information?”. I answer it the same way every time, “That is not an easy answer!”. Why is that? Well, that is because it depends on so many different factors. These factors include the size of the project, complexity, stakeholders..etc.

I wanted to provide a look into one of those factors, and that is project size. It makes sense that smaller projects will have a reduced number of communication tools, but that does not mean they are not important, and the question remains, which ones do I use?

Please review the mapping table that Bruce Taylor and I developed when writing our books on project communications. It will be a great starting point for you to see the communication tools needed for the particular size projects. Oh, and let me know what you think!

Project Communication Tools By Project Size

Project Communication Tools By Project Size

What did you think? 

Not a bad list, right? It gets you thinking... 
Now, I am not saying it perfect, and sure you can debate whether you use this tool or that tool on a particular sized project, but if you are even having that debate, then good, you are as passionate about this stuff as I am, and that is not a bad thing!

What I gave you here is just a mapping document. If you want any more information about any of these communication tools, I have a book for you. My book Project Management Communication Tools has all the details for each of these tools. My book takes you through understanding each communication tool covered in the mapping document. By walking you through creating the tool, and then how to use the tool on your project, you will be in a great position to communicate project information. Also, if you mention you downloaded this eBook and you purchased my communication tools book, I have a set of templates that I will give you for free. Yep, join the hundreds of other project managers worldwide that are already using my templates for their projects. 

The Project Management Communications Tools book is on Amazon today in both physical and eBook formats and ready to be purchased. If you are not a fan of Amazon, it is also on Barnes & Noble and in the Apple book store. Lots of choices, but for convenience, here is the link to the Amazon listing. 

Project Communication Tools By Project Size

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