2022 Talent Magazine

WeSpeak Global

Lorne Sulcas

Lorne Sulcas

Estienne de Beer

Business Speakers

Duncan Wardle

Quinton Coetze

Adventure Speakers

Saray Khumalo

Saray Khumalo

Chris Bertish

Chris Bertish

Adventure Speakers

In the midst of the uncharted Amazon, after losing his three companions, one man was tested to the extreme. Alone and bare to the bone, for three harrowing weeks Yossi Ghinsberg battled to survive against all odds.

Sean Swarner went on to Redefine Impossible by climbing 29,035 feet to the top of Mt. Everest with one lung! From there he stood atop the highest point on all 7 continents, skied to the South and North Poles.

Motivational Speakers

Kelly Swanson

Kelly Swanson is an award-winning storyteller, comedian, motivational speaker, Huffington Post Contributor, and cast member of The Fashion Hero television show airing on Amazon Prime.
She is also author of Who Hijacked My Fairy Tale, The Land of If Only, The Story Formula, and The Gutsy Girls Pocket Guide to Public Speaking.
She was a featured entertainer for Holland America Cruise Lines, keynote speaker for the International Toastmasters Convention, and has keynoted major conferences and corporate events from coast to coast.
Kelly’s wacky wit and powerful stories have charmed hearts and tickled funny bones for over 15 years.
Keynote Topics
The Story-driven LIFE
 The Story Formula
 The Story-driven TEAM
 The Story-driven COMMUNICATOR
 The Story-driven SALES PERSON
 The Story-driven CUSTOMER SERVICE T
he Story-driven LEADER
Fee Range
$15,000 - $20,000 for In-Person events

Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences a paragraph is half a page long etc.

Many people come to me wanting a “quick keynote” and we walk away with this amazing cool idea of how to wrap me throughout the conference, offer coffee concert chats, or take a sleepy format and rearrange it to something refreshing and different.

 I don’t see my job as a “keynote”. 

I see it as a project.
My goal is to give you everything I can to add value and WOW factor to your event.

Stephen McGown

Warwick Merry

Rusty Labuschagne

Verity Price

Cherona D

Palesa Moleia

Palesa Mosiea is a thriving entrepreneur in the property, manufacturing and communications fields who has overcome great adversity and proved that nothing is impossible. An award winning Public speaker and entrepreneur with a vision to motivate and inspire people into taking action and making their dreams a reality, her talk “The best of Both Worlds” tells her life story and is a perfect example that choice and not circumstance determine your outcome.

Khalid Machchate

Storyteller Speakers

Rob Caskie

Employee Engagement Speakers

Lisa Orrell

Antoni Lacinai

Pavel Verbnyak

Pavel Verbnyak is a professional speaker on personal development, goal-setting, the law of attraction and leadership. He is a success expert, life coach, Vice President of JCI Russia, Brian Tracy Academy's expert and partner, the founder of “Successful Thinking”, the author of several books, seminars on unlocking human potential and personal efficiency.

He helps Leaders and Teams to reach High Performance Results.

Ricardo Cabete

Ricardo Cabete is an Emotional Intelligence Expert and European Champion of Public Speaking He helps Leaders and Teams to reach High Performance Results. Ricardo helps people and companies around the world to reach their goals in an emotionally intelligent way with Training and Keynotes with practical content. He has held events in 14 countries from 4 continents.

He helps Leaders and Teams to reach High Performance Results.

Wellness Speakers

Juli Shulem, M.S., CPC, PCP

Joni Peddie

Penny Mallory

Penny Mallory is one of the UK’s top female motivational speakers, drawing her experience from her years in Motorsport as a Rally Driver, and as a Performance Coach within various sectors. Living proof that building Resilience and Mental Toughness are vital if you are to thrive in this world and has worked inside and alongside many world class teams (including F1), and with individuals across many sectors, to improve team performance and results.

Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences a paragraph is half a page long etc.

Leadership Speakers

Erin Hatzikostas

Erin Hatzikostas

Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC, CVP

Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC, CVP

Dave Moore

Dave Moore

Daphna Horowitz

Daphna Horowitz

Kevin Gaskell

Kevin Gaskell

Paddy Upton

Paddy Upton

Sales | Customer Service

Jason Hewlett

Scott McKain

Scott McKain

Duncan Wardle

Duncan Wardle

Joy Baldridge

Joy Baldridge

Lizette Volkwyn

Liztte Volkwyn

Deon Basson

Deon Basson

Branding | Marketing Speakers

Pierre du Plessis

Mike Sharman

Mike Sharman founded Retroviral, which has made more brands ‘go viral, globally’ than any other agency in Africa. He has developed campaigns that have been classified as 'truly viral' - Nando's - Last Dictator Standing, RYOBI, RocoMamas, Douwe Egberts, and Russell Hobbs, and My Kreepy Teacher for Kreepy Krauly.

The Age of the ‘Unfluencer’
 B R A N D A L I S M
 The story of My Kreepy Teacher

Liezel van der Westhuizen

Lucy Bloom

Lucy Bloom is an award-winning leader and speaker. She’s a change maker, exceptional communicator and business fixer with the best mohawk in the business. Lucy led an advertising agency for 20 years before she became the CEO of a brand new women’s health organisation, funding a network of hospitals in Ethiopia. She then went on to transform a Cambodian children’s charity as its first CEO. She is the creator of the world’s first childbirth education program for men run in local pubs all over Australia and she’s the first and only Aussie named in the world top 30 #socialceos.

Political Commentators

Digital | Futurist Speakers

Event MC's | Facilitators

WeSpeak Global

WeSpeak Global is a marketplace platform available for desktop browsers and all mobile devices through their selective AppStores.

WeSpeak is the first and only mobile platform that is for the events industry. Bringing you a selection of keynote speakers, event hosts, entertainers and much more at the touch of a button.

No more need for 3rd party involvement, endless booking forms and unnecessary administration. Here you can contact the talent directly and secure them at their real time fees.

This magazine is featured showcase talent only with links to their videos and listings on WeSpeak Global.