Personal Portfolio of Power

DJ Ehlert


Portfolio of Power

DJ Ehlert’s Personal
Portfolio of Power

“Hidden within each of us is everything we need to achieve 
anything we can imagine.” - Bobby Kountz

Kenosha Magic
3721 60th Street
Kenosha, WI 53144
262 764 4053

Portfolio of Power

Portfolio of Power

Portfolio of Power

Family Goals

"Think of your family today and every day thereafter, don't let the 
busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love 
and appreciate your family."- Josiah

Portfolio of Power

Write your Goal as if it has already happened:

I am continually learning and enjoying a strong relationship with each member of my family as well as strengthening our family unit as a whole.

Why is this goal Important to you?

Strong Family Structure and bonds are foundational to enjoying a good quality of life with love, appreciation, meaning, sense of belonging, well-being, and a knowing that there is more to life when we love and live it together.

What will not achieving this goal cost you?

I have seen firsthand the gut wrenching results of broken families, lack of family structure, and the lack of not belonging. Not maintaining strong family relationships can cost us our joy and happiness to be alive. Not having a loving family can cause serious mental and physical anguish and a lifetime of misery.

List the action steps you will take to achieve this goal:

1. I am planning a weekly “Family Night” and each person in the family gets to pick the activity we do as a family in a rotation.

2. I will continually find time to express my gratitude and love for each person individually and for our family as a whole.

3. I will take the time to listen to concerns when they arise, tell the truth even when it is hard, and find resolutions and solutions that enable our family to move forward together through any adversity.

Anticipated date or timeframe of achievement:

I will relentlessly pursue my family goals and update and adjust as necessary to achieve them until I depart…

Portfolio of Power

Spiritual Goals

Spiritual Goals “We are not human beings in search of a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings immersed in a human experience.” - Wayne Dyer

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Portfolio of Power

Write your Goal as if it has already happened:

I am meditating early each day before I get up to start the day.

Why is this goal Important to you?

Learning to meditate has helped me to increase focus and creativity, reduce stress, and become more self-aware.

What will not achieving this goal cost you?

I would lose out on quality time to reflect and work on myself. I would also lose the benefit of reduced stress.

List the action steps you will take to achieve this goal:
 1. I wake up early before everyone else so that I have the quiet time to practice my meditation. 2. I continually find different styles of Meditation to find the ones that work best for me.

Anticipated date or timeframe of achievement:

I will devote the hour between 6 and 7 am each day for Meditation and reading.

Portfolio of Power

Fitness Goals

Fitness Goals “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.” 
– Jim Rohn

Portfolio of Power

Write your Goal as if it has already happened:

I am exercising for one full hour each day.

Why is this goal Important to you?

Staying physically fit will enable me to enjoy life and stay active.

What will not achieving this goal cost you?

I would lose out on spending quality time with my more active family members. I would also lose the ability to enjoy my hobbies and other interests.

List the action steps you will take to achieve this goal:
 1. I engage in core exercising and do multiple sets each day.
 2. I use an elliptical machine for cardio training each day. 
3. I intentionally use the stairs and park far away to get more physical activity.

Anticipated date or timeframe of achievement:

I will devote the hour between 7 and 8 am each day for my physical workout routines.

Portfolio of Power

Write your Goal as if it has already happened:

I am eating to live and not living to eat.

Why is this goal Important to you?

I am what I eat and I want to enjoy health and logevity.

What will not achieving this goal cost you?

Consuming low quality food will decrease my life expectancy and lower the quality of my life.

List the action steps you will take to achieve this goal
1. I will not consume low quality processed food. 
2. I will limit my carb intake. 
3. I will not consume the “whites” flour, sugar, pasta, rice, or potatoes. 
4. I will consume more healthy vegetables. 
5. I will only consume healthy liquids.

Anticipated date or timeframe of achievement:

I will consider my health every time I consume a drink or meal.

Portfolio of Power

Business Goals

Business Goals "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the 
courage to continue that counts."- Winston Churchill

Portfolio of Power

Write your Goal as if it has already happened:

I am creating my new business to empower new entrepreneurs to start their own business with a proven process and a powerful framework.

Why is this goal Important to you?

I enjoy helping others achieve their goals of owning their own business and taking control of their future prosperity. I sincerely want to empower people to escape living in a paycheck to paycheck life when they could be building a prosperous business and freedom for themselves and their family.

What will not achieving this goal cost you?

I will be wasting a lifetime of knowledge that could have been used to help springboard my fellow entrepreneurs to new heights.

List the action steps you will take to achieve this goal: 
1. I am creating content continually to empower my clients. 
2. I am building a team of likeminded entrepreneurs. 
3. I am celebrating my strengths and delegating my weakness. 
4. I will make templates for my Portfolio of Power Framework.

Anticipated date or timeframe of achievement:

I will use two hours minimum each day creating templates or more content.

Portfolio of Power

Write your Goal as if it has already happened:

I have written my book embracing my Create, Convey, Connect concepts as foundational to an entrepreneurs journey.

Why is this goal Important to you?

Having written a book will enable me to share my experience with others and provide them with a foundation of great knowledge as they begin their journey. The credibility of being the author on my subject will enable me to Create, Convey, and Connect more effectively literally demonstrating my process.

What will not achieving this goal cost you?

Not achieving this goal will make my overlying goals of building my entrepreneur mentor business much more difficult to achieve.

List the action steps you will take to achieve this goal:

1. I am compiling my notes and organizing them. 
2. I am researching to find statistics and supporting data. 
3. I am contemplating stories to use that will effectively communicate my messages. 
4. I will work with Bobby to hone my writing and message.

Anticipated date or timeframe of achievement:

I will research and write for a minimum of one hour each day and create a rough draft by June 11 th 2022.

Portfolio of Power

Personal Goals

Personal Goals “I know the sky is not the limit because there are footprints on the moon – And I made some of them!” –Buzz Aldrin

Portfolio of Power

Write your Goal as if it has already happened:

I am enjoying learning more about astronomy and astrophotography.

Why is this goal Important to you?

I have always had a fascination with science, space, and astronomy.

What will not achieving this goal cost you?

I would lose out on some of the fulfillment I receive from continuous learning and pursuing my interests.

List the action steps you will take to achieve this goal: 

1. I will consume content in books and online about astronomy. 
2. I will read the technical manuals for my telescopes and photography equipment to understand them better. 
3. I will attend astronomy events at the local library etc.

Anticipated date or timeframe of achievement:

I will devote a minimum of 15 minutes each evening after diner for my astronomy hobby.

Portfolio of Power

Negative Inspiration

 “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative 
stress into a positive one.” - Hans Selye 

“Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an
opportunity for me to rise.” - Kobe Bryant

Portfolio of Power

Portfolio of Power

Portfolio of Power

Portfolio of Power

Portfolio of Power

Portfolio of Power

Portfolio of Power

Portfolio of Power

Notes & Inspirations:

Portfolio of Power

Link to the $27 digital book software:


Have fun creating and customizing you very own Portfolio of Power! - DJ

Portfolio of Power

Destiny Vision 
Mentor – Hobbies – Travel

Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue. Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipiscing, commodo quis, gravida id, est. Sed lectus. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor. Sed semper lorem at felis. Vestibulum volutpat, lacus a ultrices sagittis, mi neque euismod dui, eu pulvinar nunc sapien ornare nisl. Phasellus pede arcu, dapibus eu, fermentum et, dapibus sed, urna.